View Full Version : When does overcoming HA meet denial?

21-02-10, 23:01
Hi all. I am posting to see if anyone can identify with me.

I am overcoming (or trying to) my health anxiety. I avoid a lot of situations as to not set off my panic but I literally examine myself or think about it several times a minute unless otherwise preoccupied. As I said in my previous post, I'm pretty sure I have something wrong with me, although my doctor doesn't seem to think so, but they can't prove it.

I shower and dress in the dark, and refuse to look at my bodily excretions. I cannot look in the mirror without checking myself. I do not google anything even remotely health related. I do not watch medical shows. I pretend like my symptoms don't exist. It's the only way I can function.

I have this nagging feeling like I'm ignoring something important and that I'm in denial and something really is wrong with me. I bargained with myself that I'll go back to the doctor if I really feel bad or if my family identifies a reason for me to. I can't call my doc every time I find something... he'd throw me out.

Anyone feel the same?


21-02-10, 23:27
Hi MM. Can you tell me the reason you think there's something wrong with you? Have you had bloodwork or any other symptoms that weren't up to par? Let's try to put some reasoning on this first. I am concerned because as you get older, it's important to see if there's any blood in your bodily excretions, not to be preoccupied, but to know.

Not being able to look at your own body for fear of finding something is also not good in the long run. I have had things on my skin and had them biopsied, all ok so far but please know that anything caught early will probably be ok. No need to fear this. Tell me why you're scared....what happened to bring this on.