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21-02-10, 23:16
Haven't posted for a while here.

I have alot of stress going on at the mo,personal stuff,so I have been anxious ect and I know this can cause tummy problem's.:weep:

For a while I have been bloated and windy which I have had for years on and off,but reading about ovarian cancer everywhere is making my mind go all over the place,the symptom's are so similar.Im really scared at the moment,a few people I know have had cancer recently,and the word cancer just seem's to be everywhere I look.:ohmy:

Im actually terrified at the mo!!!!!:weep:

21-02-10, 23:37
hi yorkielover

i too have had stomach problems ie windy and a bit bloated on and off over the years but since xmas ive had a constant bloated feeling , im also finding it hard to eat as i feel full all the time. i get breathless when i eat.
i have been to the doctors and they have given me omeprazole for acid, not took them yet.
but i stupidly googled and now im terified too that i have ovarian cancer as i have all the symptoms listed, ive got to go back to my doctor in2 weeks so im going to mention it to her, have you seen your doctor about this problem?

22-02-10, 14:05
No I have not mentioned it to the doctor,been load's of times in the past and had test's so will feel stupid going and mentioning this again.It is along time since I had test's done we are talking 10 years ago.

Iv had blood tests for my hormone's ect.

Just the mind going crazy I suppose.Its so frustrating,I keep cutting food's out ect.I dont have dairy and its getting me really down.Im alway's windy.

Cell block H fan
22-02-10, 14:19
Haven't posted for a while here.

I have alot of stress going on at the mo,personal stuff,so I have been anxious ect and I know this can cause tummy problem's.:weep:

For a while I have been bloated and windy which I have had for years on and off,but reading about ovarian cancer everywhere is making my mind go all over the place,the symptom's are so similar.Im really scared at the moment,a few people I know have had cancer recently,and the word cancer just seem's to be everywhere I look.:ohmy:

Im actually terrified at the mo!!!!!:weep:

Dont be terrified. I had a scan for ovary problems years & years ago & it was all clear. But I had all the same symptoms. It was said in the end by the doc at the hospital that I had I.B.S. I didn't worry after that & the symptoms got better. Years on I started getting the bloated thing after eating or drinking, I couldn't even drink a cup of tea without it happening. It went on for weeks. Since then ive had it off & on. The last week has been more spasms in waves than the bloatedness. Today is a bloated type feeling. Tummy feels stiff, not to touch, just the feeling.
I am trying to steer clear of bread for a bit & see if that helps because i'm wondering if I over did that for a few weeks. I got a bit hooked on some rolls in the bakery dept & was having a couple a day for a couple of weeks. Last week after having garlic bread with cheese I was in agony with the stomach cramps.
So thats it, no more bread for a while.
Maybe try that?

22-02-10, 14:54
First - everyone STOP googling (I know this is hard - and I am SOOOO guilty of doing this too)! It makes you worry for most likely no reason!! Second - I have to share with you - the past couple of weeks I have done myself inw ith worry about some type of cancer. I was SO worried I was making myself vomit in the mornings - I had myself convinced I had some type of stomach cancer. Bloating, gas, the "runs" - constant stomach ache! It was terrible. So here is the truth; stomach issues, bloating, gas are symptoms of about a million things (trust me I have googled them all) - and for me the truth was my anxiety. The more I thought about my symptoms and what they "might" be the more the symptoms came about and got worse! Now for the past week, I have been tracking what I eat & when, and how I feel; Once I calmed myself down (sometimes with simple deep breathing) the less my stomach hurt....after two weeks of terrible thinking I am finally starting to feel somewhat normal (well as normal as I can be for me)....What I have found out from journaling is that I eat "crap", I worry WAY too much and no wonder my body if rebelling with stomach aches, gas and bloating!!

In short - You have WAY better chance of being struck by lightning in a snow strom then you do of having ovarian cancer!!

22-02-10, 17:17
Hi Yorky :hugs:

It is so difficult to stop once we start thinking down this path, we focus on all the bad stuff we hear, but there are far more healthy people walking around, but we dont think like that.
I know how hard it is, in the past month i have lost count of the diseases and illnesses i am sure ive got, all life threatning of course, i have a few symptoms, and before you know it i have got something incurable that i worry myself sick over, only for a couple of days later, some other illness comes along and takes over, its hell, i can really sympathise. i think you are focusing a lot more on it because as you say you have a lot of extra stress in your life,, and at times when we are extra stressed, physically we notice a lot more things, we are so tuned in to our bodies, we notice EVERYTHING, and its all magnified.
I think when we have worrying symptoms, in trying to understand them, we try to make sense of them and where they fit, and usually they fit into some horrible disease.

I know how scared you are right now, i really do, most days i wake up with my tummy like a washing machine going into spin, terrified of what symptoms i will find today, and knowing where my mind will take me, totally horrible, like you i have a lot of extra stress, and that only feeds my negative thinking.
Things will get better. loads of people up and down the country will have similar symptoms to us, but they dont give it a second thought.
Things will get better, once the pressure of stress is off a little, you will slowly start to feel better, and these symptoms wont seem so important.

Think of it another way, i know that you have said you havent mentioned it again to your doctor for fear of sounding foolish, your mind is playing tricks with you, deep in your mind, you know that it is , otherwise im sure you would have brought it up again, even if it did make you feel stupid, does that make sense???

i hope you start to feel better soon

take care

P x :hugs:

22-02-10, 20:37
I started lessening my google everyday the more i dont read the more i dont get scared,,

Sometimes over information would just do harm

23-02-10, 16:37
I got my period 10 days ago and it usually lasts 3-4 days with a slight discharge tinged red for a couple of days,well today I have some spotting and Iv had a headache,Im scared:ohmy:

Iv not had a smear ever and when I plucked up the courage last year the doctor couldn't manage one on me, she said I had a tilted cervix!!!!!she said she could refer me to hospital which put me right off,she was not using the right sort of couch that can lift your bum and leg's up enough!!!!

I don't want to go to hospital,should I ask if a nurse could try!!!!I aslo work at the surgery so make's it a bit nervy for cos I know the nurse's and talk to them so asking them to look at my noo noo is a bit embarrassing for me.:weep:

23-02-10, 22:00
I read the other day whilst googling similar symptoms {stupid I know} that the average GP only see's one case of ovarian cancer every 5 years. Since then I stopped worrying and my symptoms have gone away.