View Full Version : Hello everyone, glad to be here

22-02-10, 01:24
Hello Everyone,

I'm Mouse, 24 years old from England. I've suffered panic attacks from the age of 11 and have more then 2 a week most of my life.

I've been refereed back and forth over the years from doctor to doctor and psychologist to psychiatrist.

Finally last week I was speaking to a doctor friend of mine who informed me that the 10mg of citaliopram id been taking on off for years was doing me nothing, so I've talked my doctor into letting me up the dose to 20mg. The size effects are in full swing right this very moment so I apologise for my skittishness.

Glad to be here, I don't feel so alone now after all this time :D

22-02-10, 01:29
Hi DirtyMouse

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

22-02-10, 01:59
Hi Mouse

I recently upped my dose too and it does take a few weeks to settle down. But hopefully the higher dose will help to control your PAs because 10mg is a very low dose to have been on for so long.

Welcome to NMP. I hope you find the forum useful.

22-02-10, 02:00
:welcome: Hi DirtyMouse. Hope the new dose does you some good. NMP's a really good forum with a lot of people in similar situations to you. Hope you make good progress.

22-02-10, 02:01
Thank you everyone. Im looking forward to not twitching and not being almost robotic, darn cramp!

Veronica H
22-02-10, 09:30
:welcome:Mouse. Glad that you have found us.
