View Full Version : Im Worried...Anyone else feel this way? Please read and Respond ?

22-02-10, 04:49
Lately for the last couple of weeks..I feel really tired and run down..I haven't been sleeping well..I have weird dreams and my heart seems to be beating a little faster at times..sometimes its beating slower..

So odd some mornings I wake and my heart is beating about 80..and some mornings its beating about 65..About two weeks ago we started talking about moving..We haven't been out of this valley but once in four years..As we got more and more committed I am finding I am feeling worse and worse..

Odd thing is I really want to move but we are moving back down to normal sea level and its over a mile and one half above sea level here. Im worried I might not be able to readjust..Also Its warmer there,no snow and tropical.

I grew up with these conditions but have been away from those conditions for over five years now..

Getting back to what I was asking is I feel kind of like im not all together,lik e my mind is slipping ,not like going crazy but just not all there,its hard to describe. Also sometimes my eyes feel like they are playing tricks on me..I feel like im going to fall over and sometimes even feel like I might even pass out ,,,kind of.. Then there are times when I bend over or lean in one direction to do something and i feel my head is spinning a little or I get dizzy..its like when you are a kid and you are hanging upside down on the playground monkey bars and then you stand upright and you are ok..

I went to the doctor not to long ago and they checked me from head to toe and did an ekg and looked long and hard for high blood pressure signs..no signs there.. and heart is sound.. So im thinking I am not having high blood pressure and maybe just inner ear trouble or something..

I also feel whoosey sometimes.. in the house when Im walking around and when I go out in the cold I get whoosy .. not always but lately.. I don't know if its just adjusting from warm house to cold really cold outside..If I stay outside in the cold I get really strange feelings..

I also have weird things with my eyes.. I see like floaters and when I look at a strong light it burns my eyes like a bright flash from a camera..

I feel breathless at times for no reason and feel anxious..I actually had a little panic attack the other night because the heat was making me feel weird.. My stomach feels as though I have been doing sit ups and a lot of exercise which I haven't but I have got to get busy and pack.. Im scared really scared about moving.I feel somewhat safe here but then I think about being on the open road and then I worry about will I be ok again in the tropics..

We have had a lot of people coming by and buying things from us because we are moving and trying to not have to move so much and it just makes me soooooo tired talking to them..That worries me too ..we will be in a much larger city with lots of people and then bam! we are in the middle of a metro area.. Its where I grew up but so different than here..

Its like mars here and then going back to the earth with actual people and life and plants and trees and water... its going to be a shock to me visually and also emotionally and every way .

My question is would I have developed something terrible since I saw the doctor or is the upcoming move home got me anxious thus causing symptoms? I think its probably anxiety but im scared that I might not be healthy enough for such a move.. They say that exercise is good for your heart and anxiety and high blood pressure..

Could all of these symptoms being nothing more than anxiety or could they mean something? I have inner ear trouble and tmj and this could contribute to the dizzyness or room spinning sensation but the more I list here the more it looks like anxiety.. Please someone help me.I want to go home,but im afraid.

I have my secure zone here and I really don't have a choice I am committed to going home but really worried.. Please please please help. Tell me im ok and anxious or tell me I might be really sick,.But please tell me something.. Any and all opinions welcome please?

22-02-10, 05:04
Michael, you are fine. You just had a complete checkup and you are 100% healthy. Read those two sentences over and over.:)

You keep saying you want to move. Are you certain?

All of these feelings are being brought on by your anxiety. I'm pretty sure that I read somewhere that moving is on the top ten list of anxiety producers.

If you are certain that this move is for the best, then chalk up these weird feelings to being anxious about a change in your life. Once you get there and get settled, those feelings will pass.

Also, I think the change in sea level might be good for you.

22-02-10, 22:35
Hiya, If you have inner ear trouble anyway then that is most likely causing the dizzyness and whoosy. I have had ear problems in the past and it can make you feel very strange and dream like. If the doctor has checked you over not long ago and told you, you are ok then dont worry and try to focus on relaxation techniques on a daily basis. I noticed throughout your post how scared you are of moving and it sounds like a lot is going on around you conected to this. Moving is very stressfull so please do all you can do fit in time to chill each and every day where you are not allowed to worry at all! Also get as much sleep as you can you need rest. Hope all goes well.

If then in a few weeks you still feel the same it wont hurt to get the doctor to check you out again but try not to focus on that, see if the relaxation works first.


23-02-10, 15:13
Moving is a HUGE stressor. You may not feel like it is, but this is a very big change in your life. I bet that is what's causing your symptoms. Thinking about higher altitudes and all - my family has always gone to the mountains for a week or so during the summer. My parents hadn't gone in a few years but decided to go this past summer. They are now 70 and 73 years old. (I know you aren't that old) Anyway, this time the altitude bothered them both so much that they could hardly function up there at all. They never had it bother them like this before. Maybe because they are getting older, I don't know. Anyway, they said they won't be going back to the high altitude anymore. Just a thought.

23-02-10, 15:19
Hello Michael,

I was in the process of getting prepared to move house, but changed my mind because of how I was feeling. I believe it was making me feel really anxious and stressed and I've decided to leave it a while. It's such a huge step no matter how much you want it. I wish you well in your move, but you probably feel like you do because of the stress of it all. When you are settled then it will all calm down I'm sure. Just don't take too much out of yourself.