View Full Version : having one....

22-02-10, 06:02
Hey everyone...

I just wanted to come on here because I am currently having a panic attack. It started slowly and I am trying to keep my mind off of it. I figured maybe by typing out my symptoms and showing myself that my thoughts are irrational and that I'm writing this to other people who experience the EXACT same feelings, I might make myself feel better?

I was fairly anxious after a stressful day of work. I had started to get a sore throat and since a lot of people I know are sick, I figured I was getting sick. I tend to mistake tiredness for anxiety and that's what I did yesterday and today. I was sitting in my bed and it seemed like when I turned my head, the room took a minute to follow, and I felt dizzy, which is almost always how they start out. My throat felt like I had to cough and when I didn't immediately cough, I felt like I was going to throw up, also totally common for me. Then I started sweating profusely. I logged on here and clicked the Panic Attack option on the left, and it gave information about if you are having an attack right now. And it helped a decent amount. I felt my heart racing and tried to fight thoughts of going crazy and that I was dying. I am shaking so much, like I have been out in the cold for hours, and it's making it difficult to type. I haven't had a panic attack in several months so this is something I need to do to calm myself, for this is the first time I am living on my own and don't have my mom to tell me I'm okay (which might sound pathetic, but she was my calming point).

I considered taking a lorazepam because I know it would make me feel calm and relaxed almost instantaneously. It doesn't help that I have anxiety of pills. But I know I'd be okay if I took one, I just don't want to. After being on prescription anxiety meds for almost a year, I was supposed to train myself to take care of them. I want to see if I can do it without reaching for that easy pill right away. But I will keep them by my bed to make myself feel okay.

I just have to tell myself I am not dreaming. I can go through the events of the day in extreme detail, and nothing seems odd or out of place. I am here right now. I shouldn't think about anything else. I am on my bed, tired, slightly hungry, and I am okay. My heart rate has slowed and I am no longer sweating, and barely shaking. This does help :)
I am just afraid to take my eyes and attention off of here. I don't want it to start again the second I lay down. And I don't want it to happen again. I feel like it's happening again...the dizziness. Oh I don't want it to start again. Why does this happen? I think I need to lay down, this is probably getting far too long anyways. Thanks for anyone reading. I hope maybe someone else could read this and maybe see their own symptoms and feel better? Thanks for reading, again. Night.