View Full Version : freaking out . need HELP !!!!!!!!!

22-02-10, 10:33
i'm so sorry everyone i just need some urgent help before i let my thoughts get carried away with me .

last night i got some tragic news that my cousin had passed away . i thought i was okay but i haven't slept and now i'm in full blown panic mode , i just do not feel right .

i keep trying to drift off to sleep but then my legs feel week and my mouth gets really dry , i've got pains in my head - my eyes are going all weird and fuzzy and i feel light headed like i'm about to pass out .

this are all just anxiety / lack of sleep signs right ? i'm not about to drop dead from a serious illness ?!?!?! i can feel the brain tumor fear creeping back cause of this stupid head pain

i keep pushing myself to get better and then bad things keep happening around me which knock me back again !

i don't know what to do :weep:

please help me

22-02-10, 10:42

Im sorry to hear about your cousing passing away.

No wonder you are having these panic symtpoms. this is what you are having, nothing else hun


mandie x

22-02-10, 11:11
Absolutely. You are feeling massive anxiety from being completely overwhelmed by the situation. This is a very stressful time for you, and you need to try manage your way through it as best possible. If that means finding someone to talk to, or getting some meds, do it.

It is appropriate to feel awful at such devastating news. But it does not mean you are going to die or suffer from some awful illness. That is just your brain and emotions messing with you as they need an outlet.

Try to breathe through the symptoms. But personally I have found that nothing helps you through these devastating attacks like Xanax. I would only have to take half, or one at such an attack, and it really made a difference and got me feeling normal.

Many condolences.
