View Full Version : Day 3 & 4 on Citalopram

22-02-10, 11:09
Hi Everyone

Just updating on my citalopram journey currently on 10 mg for depression. Not feeling too bad just a bit nauseaus,a few headaches and clenching my jaw which is so annoying!oh and I keep yawning??
I went upto london to see my family on sat and was feeling slightly anxious no idea why but it went away. I have been feeling more anxious then depressed which is weird as I am being treated for depression dont really get anxiety. I went to bluewater which was a challenge as lots of people and when u feel crap thats the last place u want to be. But I held out and went to the cinema with my husband. We went to stay at my aunts after and everyone was drinking and having fun and i had a cup of tea! I actually found that really hard not being able to drink as I love having a couple of glasses of wine. But at least I didnt wake up with a hangover!

Sunday was an ok day I take my med in the morning and can def feel the effects a few hours after taing them. I felt a bit anxious on the 2 hour drive back home I had to take rescue remedy. I find if you take it in the morn the effects where off by the night as I sleep really well. My stomach isnt too good though I have had to run to the loo a few tomes lol! But that could be anxiety. I am going to stick with them and see what happens yesterday i had about an hour of feeling euphoric couldnt stop smiling weird!Hope it doesnt get any worse when the doc puts my dose up.

Well cheers for reading sorry if i was rambling on it really helps to post on here and share with others.Thank you to everyone who has left me kind messages.:)

22-02-10, 12:22
Hi Ruth, sounds like you are doing well with the citalopram. It can cause a bit of anxiety when you first start taking it but because you are on a low dose (to begin with) you should find that you will experience less side effects and the anxiety will go when the medication gets into your system. Well done for braving Bluewater!!! A really massive pat on the back...you often feel a bit wierd when in crowded places dont you when suffering depression etc, I know I do. The upset stomach sounds like anxiety too and is very common when you first start the meds. Do you know how long your GP wants you on 10mg for??? I took this medication for a number of years on and off and it was a life saver. You are doiing the right thing starting off on 10mg. Good luck and keep me posted and if I can help you in any way I will. JO.x

22-02-10, 13:30
Hi Jo
I am not sure how long I will be on 10mg seeing the gp tonight.I am really hungry aswell not good!The 1st day I lost my appetite and thought it was great!But it didnt last its mainly carbs I am craving. I am really missing having a drink though I like having wine at the weekends. But I am a bit of a bingedrinker which is not good I will go out at the weekend and not have 1 or 2 drinks have 1 or 2 bottles of wine lol! This only happens occasionaly but I have got into trouble a couple of times not good as I have a bad temper. So its prob better I stay away from drinking for a while. I am def starting to feel better already not so depressed. What dose did you go on? Ruthx

22-02-10, 13:43
Hi Ruth, I have taken citalopram on and off over the past 9 years or so. Have been on different dosages. I found I was pretty stable on 20mg but if I hit a bad patch I went up to 30mg. I always upped my dosage very gradually as unfortunately I was one of the ones who suffered with side effects and anxiety was very hard to cope with. This past time that I have been on them my Gp increased my dose up to 40mg, I started to feel better but then found I was having good and bad weeks. i have now changed meds and take something different. I think taking it for so long it may have lost its effectiveness for me but can assure you in previous years I was so thankfull i took it as it really helped. I lost my appetite when first taking it but like you say it does come back...I lost a stone and a half (I am over-weight so welcomed this) but sadly it all came back on. I too like my wine but only one or two glasses here and there....I found I could still drink (in moderation) lol!! with this medication once my body got used to it etc. Good job you are not on the medication I now take (mirtazipine) as this makes you get quite angry!! I am quite laid back and have found myself jumping down peoples throats for no reason lately, but that has eased a little. Good luck at the docs and let me know what he says. Jo.x

22-02-10, 15:04
Hi Ruth, I've been on citalopram for just over 3 months. The dr has just increased my dosage from 20mg to 40mg, started on 20mg but still had the odd bad day. Started taking the 40mg last Friday evening and touch wood I've not had the bad side effects I had when first starting on 20mg. I definitely feel better so hope you soon start to feel the benefit of them. I also used to enjoy a glass or 2 of red wine, but since taking these I've not drunk at all, apart from one day and I just had a very bad time so have stopped completely. I miss it but I can enjoy myself on a glass of sparking water, how boring!!! Hope you do well and you soon start to feel much better.

All the best, Jannie x x

22-02-10, 15:13
I can enjoy myself on a glass of sparking water

Where've you been all my life!!!!


23-02-10, 13:12
Hello Everyone
Hope you are all well
I am on day 6 now and dont feel any different except for wanting to sleep all the time. I excersise a lot normally but dont even have the energy to do that. No side effects now except for perhaps memory loss as was suppose to be at the doctors yesterday at 2.00 and went there at 4.00 completely forgot what time the appt was lol! I am going again tomorrow. To be honest I am glad I went back to work as it makes the day go much quicker. Otherwise I spend to much time sitting around thinking about things and worrying.I am still very hungry just want to eat lots!
Is there a big difference when the dose gets put up?I am on 10mg will it be put up to 15mg or 20mg. Also is it true about the loss of libido thing?sorry had to ask!!:)

23-02-10, 13:45
Hi Ruth, Its great that you are not having any side effects now except the memory loss (very common), its also good you went back to work as if you are able that is the best thing. It does distract you. The GP if increasing your dose will probably up it to 20mg as this is the normal dose for alot of people (having said that you can be increased right up to 60mg if necessary). You might suffer slight side effects when you go up but judging by what you have said in your posts I dont think you will experience that much (hopefully). In my personal experience (and dont worry about asking) the "libido thing" was a side effect for me but it was something I just had to put up with, it is a little frustrating but we are all different and you might not be effected in this way. I feel more for the blokes who have to take it, it must be awful for them (but not for their women lol!!!) Sorry been a bit personal now!! Sorry you men out there!! 10mg is a very low dose of citalopram and a dose I was kept on in the past for relapse prevention, so you will probably notice more difference when you go up to 20mg and feel alot better. Do you feel any improvement with your depression??? Let me know how you get on. Good luck. Love Jo.xx

23-02-10, 14:09
Hi Jo
The depression has def lifted I am feeling better. Not sure if its psychological as I know I am taking something. I just dont seem very bothered about anything. I am normally quite a tearful person but just cant be bothered lol! my husband has gone away on a army excersise and I normally get quite upset as I dont like to be on my own at night. Even though it is very safe we live on a army base. But I wasnt fussed when he said goodbye this morning dont know if that is a good or a bad thing!

Just wish I could motivate myself to go to the gym or go running as it has taken me 4 years to get down to a size 12 from a 16 and I really dont want to put it back on. Dont like feeling this hungry its dangerous!!and with my couldnt give a crap attitude I am just tucking into whatever I fancy!

Oh well its better than being a miserable cow I suppose!:)

23-02-10, 14:41
Hi Ruth, Glad to hear the depression as lifted, I can totally relate to what you are saying around the tearfulness etc as I am the same and I did find this at first when I took this medication, its almost like you want to cry but it just does not happen. This wore off for me and I found that I pretty much returned to normal after a while. I didn't notice an increase in appetite, though I am over-weight anyhow (never lost it after having the children) but as I have taken medication on and off for the past 11 years now I dont think these meds help. When I first started with citalopram I lost a stone and half but that all went back on when my body adjusted. I have a tread-mill which I use. I love doing an hour a day on that, I just record my fav music onto my mp3 and away I go. Its early days for you so stick with it and you may find that as your body gets more and more used to the medication the eating will steady down and as you begin to feel even better about yourself you kight then fancy doing some excercise. Good luck at the docs....let me know how you get on.. JO.xx

24-02-10, 19:04
Hi Everyone

I am on day 7 of citalopram and not feeling too good a bit down in the dumps. I was doing well felt ok.
I went to the doctors and she hasnt put my med up from 10mg she told me to come back next week as thinks Im ok for now.
Wish I could shake this feeling I feel grumpy and so tired. Just want to go to sleep all the time.
I dont even feel like excersising and I know it would make me feel better. My appetite is not so bad i was ravenous for the last few days. But not so hungry now I have been drinking tons of water which i think helps.

Thanks for reading and for all your support x:blush:

24-02-10, 21:37
Hi Ruth, sorry to hear you are down. Perhaps your GP want to wait a while before increasing your dose. 10mg is a low dose but it is often best to start on this and be on it for a while to enable your body to get used to the medication and it also helps limit side effects. Sounds like the appetite is settling a littke now, I expect the water is helping. At least thats good for you. Do you feel down cos your husband has gone away do you think??? Your mood will lift, but just takes time for the meds to start working properly. Hope you feel happier soon. Jo.xx

25-02-10, 19:33
Hi Ruth, wondered how you were feeling today??? Are you any better hun? Jo.xx

27-02-10, 18:25
Hi Jo

Im ok my husband is back! I do get a bit down when he goes away but this camp we are at he only goes on excersise in the uk. His last job he was deployed to afghanistan and iraq all the time :weep:! But in a year and half we will get posted to a new camp its tough but thats the army for you.

I dont feel to bad I went running this morning did 5k
so pleased with myself I will prob really ache tomorrow! The depression is still hovering in the background had a little cry today but dont feel as bad as before.I feel very tired still last night I went to bed at 11.30 and woke up at 11.00 this morning! I must of needed it. Had the most bizarre dream.

I dont miss drinking that much getting use to it now I would rather have a cup of tea!

Take care
Ruth xx

28-02-10, 10:41
Hi Ruth, So glad you are doing o.k. You must have had so much worry when hubby was posted to Afgan and Iraq, what a brave man you married.

The running will help you. My hubby bought me a treadmill in January and I have used it almost every day. The only time I couldn't use it was when I changed medication, the side effects along with the withdrawal effects took its toll on me. I used to still try (holding on the sides) but realised I was pushing myself far too much. That all behind me now and I am managing an hour a day on it...MP3 in the ears and away I go...I often have that "down" feeling as soon as I wake so have found it helps get rid of that. Hope your journey continues well. Keep in touch. Love Jo.xx