View Full Version : Chiari

22-02-10, 13:49
Dear All,

Whilst researching ways to improve my neck tension and feelings of head and scalp tension I discovered this list of Chiari symptoms. I can't believe how many of these symptoms echo the array of symtpoms I have had in recent years. I know that I shouldn't Google symptoms but it looks almost as though I wrote this list myself, especially as my symptoms occur when I am anxiety-free also.

Has anyone been diagnosed with this or think they may have it also?



22-02-10, 22:13
Well Springblossom I think you have just frightened the living daylights out of everyone on this board hence the lack of reponse!

I have actually had a mri scan that states that my cerebullar tonsils are at normal levels so maybe that helps me.

having read the symptoms list its unbelievable - every single anxiety symptom is listed. As I cannot imagine that all of us on here have this very very rare syndrome maybe to make it intesting and defuse the panic we could all look at the symptoms list and count how many of them we have experienced.

I managed 24 of the symptoms - anyone else ???

22-02-10, 22:57
Here in the US there is a television program called, "Extreme Makeover Home Edition." They find families who are destitute or have certain problems and they rebuild their houses. I just saw a rerun where all the kids had Chiari. They said it is inheirited. Just watching that show, believe me, you'd know if you had this disease. They showed pictures of one of the girls before her surgery. She couldn't even keep her head up and you could see how sick she was.

I wouldn't give this another thought. :)

23-02-10, 13:04
I'm sorry if I scared anyone. I just worried when I read the symptoms.

23-02-10, 15:44
Add me to the list - I have a bunch of the symptoms too - I do NOT have Chiari. I do believe this is a inherited desease. I read over the symptoms and most of the can be attribute to anxiety and a million other things too.

23-02-10, 16:37
Yes, but it can be discovered in adulthood.