View Full Version : Checking - Dr making me feel like a freak.

22-02-10, 17:27
I have been suffering with a checking OCD for several years now, and kept it a secret from everyone for a long time. Last year i plucked up the courage to tell my husband and he made me tell my gp. She looked at me like some kind of freak and ever since then i have refused any help with this because of how she made me feel. I am a compulsive pulse checker to the point i bruise my wrist sometimes feeling my pulse and do it over 70 times a day. Is there anyone else out there that does this or am i really a freak.:weep:

22-02-10, 17:59
Hi verity.

You are most certainly not a freak, i do this too, i try not to, but sometimes just cant stop myself. A few years ago i would do it all the time, i have got better at not doing it so much, but havent been able to stop doing it completely
Im sorry that after being brave enough to tell someone about this , you were made to feel this way, I bet there are loads more people in the forum who do this , i think its pretty common in people with anxiety.


P :flowers:

22-02-10, 18:04
I can only assume your doctor has led a very sheltered life if she had never heard of this type of health anxiety. My sister in law does this constantly as she takes awful panic attacks. She's done it for years. She has a very understanding gp who actually phones her at home to see how she's doing. It's all about personalities and some doctors just don't have any. Don't let her make you feel bad. Lots of people do this when anxious, I've done it myself over the years.

22-02-10, 18:05
Lots of people suffer from ocd and compulsive behaviour ,so you are definately not a freak ...Your Dr needs reporting its absolutely not acceptable behaviour ,she is getting paid to treat you and has a duty to help you with this .Firstly I would change my Dr and find one who is more understanding .This is not helping you at all feeling like this about seeing her ,you should feel comfortable discussing things with your Dr .You will find a combination of CBT and councelling very helpful with this disorder ,There are also very good drug therapys available ,but these will only help you whilst you confront your compulsions head on .It is possible to go on and lead a perfectly normal life ..Wishing you all the very best luv Sue x:hugs:

22-02-10, 18:29
Some Gp's can be very condescending, and treat you like your an idiot sometimes. One of mine did, she made me feel more depressed coming out than I was going in, really upset me, because as a qualified nurse I knew what I was talking about. At the time it was to do with under active thyroid, after the tests I was proved right but she didn't bother to apologise. Since then I always take someone with me in to the consulting room....she hasn't been so arrogant since.

22-02-10, 18:37
I sympathise - there are some doctors who just don't understand. There are plenty of people who suffer with this condition, and it definitely can be treated. Please don't suffer in silence, make another appointment with a different doctor - there are good doctors out there and it is worth perservering until you find one you are comfortable with.

22-02-10, 21:27
Thank you for all your responses. Hoped i wouldn't be the only one who did this. Yes i am looking into changing gp's as just recently she has become quite off towards my problems with anxiety and tells me that she can do nothing about my palps as she hasn;t got a magic wand. We have limited places for CBT here and i was referred once before but had a two year wait. Then i lost confidence in the mental health service and have been suffering in silence. My children have to suffer which is why i'm really glad i found this site. It has offered me some reassurance which my family couldn;t give me. Thanks again guys.

22-02-10, 22:03
Medical people really don't understand how we feel unless they themselves have experienced it ..Although most are sympathetic others are rude and uncaring and think you are wasting their time..Now there are those of us that tend to think everyone is looking at them and thinking things when in fact they have no thoughts on us at all,they are just observing to see if there is anything that might cause symptoms..I think you are like me, you just probably think the worse when there really isnt a worse..Hope you feel better..

22-02-10, 23:02
You are most certainly NOT a freak, you were very brave and you should definately find a new Doctor. I have OCD and health anxiety and have done for 15 years. I have it under control most of the time due to CBT and very patient Doctors! I have done some really wierd things over the years....most of which I can laugh about now but when the anxiety has you in it's vice it's extremely hard to take back control. But that is exactly what CBT does for you. I always like to use the saying 'this is a thought....not a fact' and it calms me down. I wish you well :)

23-02-10, 02:33
I know how you feel about the pulse thing! I used to do that so much. So many times a day.

Just know that you'd be in a lot more pain if your pulse wasn't right. : ) I know it sounds hard, but just take my advice! You can do it!


14-03-10, 19:11

Firstly you are not a freak, please do believe this. You are just suffering from a disorder like millions of others! Sadly Doctors or some at least do not tend to understand or believe mental disorders if they are not right there plain to see. I would go and see another doctor because it would help for you to get some help for this.

Keep smiling! x