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09-02-04, 17:38
Hi all. I think that today is the first day that I have been able to admit to myself that I may have abit of a panic attack problem.
I'm 26, live in NY with a wonderful boyfriend, have a great job, and have two wonderful dogs- and every morning I wake up with a pounding heart, nausea, and a feeling that the world is going to swallow me whole.
Throughout the day the feeling gets better. I don't think about it when I'm working out, or at work(most of the time)and at the end of the night I think that I will wake up feeling fine the next day, but I don't.
Those are the good days.

Sometimes out of the blue I get really hot, start shaking, feel like I am going to throw up- or pass out.
The first time this happened to me I was at a concert. I was so scared I was pressed against the wall at a stadium and couldn't move. My friend was able to get me out and home(thank goodness) I didn't even know where I was!
SO... sorry that I'm rambling a little bit but I think this is making me feel better.

I don't really know what to do

09-02-04, 18:16
Hi kafrin
Well you most definately arent alone as I am 26, married with 4 gorgeous kids a wonderful husband but panic all the time!! Mainly at night unfortunately but you are most definately not alone.

have you seen your doctor?

09-02-04, 18:21
Hi Kate

All you have said sounds very familiar to me. Believe me, you can get better. Look around the site, there are lot's of things you can do to help yourself and plenty of support and help from other people on here.

Best wishes


09-02-04, 18:38
Hi Kate

It's good that you can admit to yourself the position your in, and now you've done that you can do something about it. This is a great site with very helpful people so do have a look around.

From what you've said I think you might benefit quite a lot from using some relaxation techniques, have a look around and see what you can find out about them.

Good luck


09-02-04, 21:46
Hi Kate,

What you've described is so very common.Morning are generally worse and gets better as we get busy with other things and daily life.

What crosses your mind each morning , what are you dwelling on ?

Take care that this isn't a warning from your body that you're lifestyle needs a review.

Have a good hunt through using the search facility


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Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...