View Full Version : Good day, BUT a little concerned.

22-02-10, 18:31

generally feeling a lot better today. I went back to college which probs did me a lot of good. I had my friends around me which is what i needed. I only had one of my tablets today which is pretty good considering i usually have to take three... (which is the recomended amount dont worry) But i did have anxiety sitting in certain places during lessons. I am fine in class.. its just when we have to move to the libary. You think its going to be a quiet place but i think its one of the most active places of the college xD its like walking into a social club where everyone meets. But i did have a good day and have felt a lot better. I am really tired due to my sleeping pattern. I also have a thumping headache which i generally get everyday also because i dont really sleep too great or havent done during half term. Feeling better tonight, just be later on i will get a little bit worse. Have to do my essay now which is in for tomorrow.

I am a little concerned about something though, work experiance is next week, at college i am studying health and social care. So im going to be working at a school where i live which is for mentally and physically disabled children, with learning difficulties and special needs. I have worked here before but i do think i need to go back to my doctors to maybe get something stronger? and maybe someone to talk too as i dont want anything setting off my panic attacks. I am able to work with children like this, ive got a hell of alot of experiance.. mostly all my life. So im not botherd about that. But little things set me off and it doesnt take much. the tablets are not great great. Im not sure what to do. Have to get it sorted this week before i start it next week, work experience will last two weeks. :S


Sam xxxx

22-02-10, 19:31
Hi Sam

It's lovely to hear you being more positive :flowers:


22-02-10, 20:37
Hi Sam

Thanks for letting us know how you're doing today, I'm so happy to hear you feel a little better. Take each day as it comes, recovery is made up of many baby steps.

You're keeping occupied, which is great, a key factor in recovery.

Take Care

magpie girl
22-02-10, 21:41
hi today you sound more positive which is a good thing:D:D Just deal with one day at a time till you feel stronger to do more,Seeing your doctor and disscussing your meds is also a step in the right direction and make sure you tell them how you really feel xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

23-02-10, 20:57
Hi Sam. Just been catching up with posts by everybody after a weekend away. Please don't take this as patronising but Ive got to say for a 16 year old you are very clued up on things and you sound like a really practical person! More than I was at your age. Impressive. I hope things are improving for you. It sounds like there are ups and down which unfortunately is part and parcel of our depression isn't it? However, you are wary of how the downs will impact on things. Its this awareness that will help you develop coping strategies. Don't forget to ask for help if you need it from anybody you trust. You are still very young and nobody would expect you to have all the answers. I'm 41 and I haven't! Lean on somebody when you need to won't you Sam? Take care matey.:)

23-02-10, 21:19
ps. if you need to, you can email me anytime. I've been to college, uni etc, I know how hard it can be especially when you feel low or anxious.xx