View Full Version : citalopram and propranolol together?

22-02-10, 19:35
Hello everyone,
well i have been having a really bad time of it lately panic attacks, feeling down, constant worrying about my health and thinking im going mad so i went to the doctor and told him i had had enough so he put me on 80mg of propranolol and 20mg of citalopram.
well now i just feel even worse thinking im going mad worrying that i am losing my sight, i keep thinking my eyes are going blurry when they are not, i feel even more down and have a constant thought that life is going on around me and i am missing it all its hard to explain but its like i am in a bubble and im not really a part of the world its so strange.
Now has anyone been on the two medicines together and will this pass or do i need to try something else i have been on them both for four days now, when will i start to feel better? because at the moment my panic and anxiety is the worst it has ever been.:weep:
Any advice will be much appriciated,
Thank you x x Hannah x

22-02-10, 20:18
Hi there Hannah, sorry you are not feeling so good with your panic and health anxiety. I started off taking propranolol but they did not agree with me, felt really ill on them. My dr then put me on 20mg of citalopram and after about 3 weeks started feeling better. 3 months later still had the odd bad day and he increased dosage to 40mg so hope the bad days will improve. I know that when I first went to dr's they said it was high blood pressure that is why they put me on beta blockers. I knew it wasn't that though because I had been having terrible panic attacks. They then tried me with a different beta blocker but still felt terrible. That's when I saw a third dr and he totally got how I was feeling and put me on citalopram 20mg. Four days is pretty early for the citalopram to have started working, it took me about 2-3 weeks. Can't help you with whether you can take both tablets at same time, but I think I have read on here that other people have taken both. I know what you mean about the sight thing and blurry vision, I too had that. The panic was heightened in the first few days of taking Citalopram but then gradually eases. My dr gave me diazapam 2mg to get me through the bad days. Please have words with your dr if you are worried, but I would definitely say that the citalopram work, you just have to give it a bit more time.

Hope you soon start feeling better.

Jannie x x

23-02-10, 01:49
There's no problem in taking both the meds together.

Hope they help you.

andrea thompson
23-02-10, 02:00
hiya hon
i was really bad about three months ago same as you and dr atrted me on citalopram they have really helped me and a lot of the panic feelings have subsided. i would say i have gradually come back up to about 80% of my old self.... just give it time hon...
take care
you will be fine.... x x

23-02-10, 09:03
Hi Hannah, it is perfectly safe to take both tablets together. Sorry to hear you are feeling like this, it sounds like you are suffering from the side effects of the citalopram, unfortunately some people suffer these when they first start taking this medication. It will probably be around 2 weeks before you start to feel better and then you will improve even more. Bear with it hun, you are not on your own there are alot of people on this site taking this medication so you will get lots of help and support along the way. Take care and hope you feel better soon. Jo.

17-07-11, 01:02
hi there ive just started taking citalolopram and propranolol together
i suffer from excessive blushing(nervousness) and anxiety, i take 40mg of citalopram with 20mg of proponolol in the morning, does any1 know if it is best to spread them apart like take half in the morning half in the evening or just take it all at once?and what is the best dose amount that every1 found to work

17-07-11, 21:36
@ 1 benny 1 i take my citalopram & propranolo together i usually take them about 12 every day i don't think it matters what time you take them to be honest x

@ Hannah84 i am on 80mg of propranolol and 40mg of Citalopram and they are fine taking them together it just sounds like you are having the side effects off the citalopram and nothing to do with the propranolol.. i upped my citalopram a few days back and have been feeling awful since but i no this s most prob just the increase in the tabs and it will settle soon and yours will to just hang with them.. have you read psychopoet's citalopram Survival guide - http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=46980 there is some great information on there x x

18-07-11, 11:56
@ honey p1e
just to clarify, so u take 2x cit 20mg and 4 x prop 20mg all at once?
so from 12 would this last right up untill your next dose or do u just make do..
im experimenting atm taking my 1st dose 1st thing in the morning and my 2nd dose after lunch but thinking of giving your option a go.

janet ann timms
05-07-12, 09:16
Hi, I think you should get guidance from your Dr as to when to take and how much. just ring your surgery and ask for help! you may need to spread the doses out maybe morning and night. PLEASE ask the dr.xx

05-07-12, 17:38
just want 2 say thank 4 this website reading through these forums really put me at ease i have been taking propanlol 4 a few months now altho there not really helping with my panik and anxiety the doctors have been tryin 2 encourge me to take citalopram aswell but i am goin on holiday on monday shall i wait till i get bk as these side effects dnt sound too good? also any 1 got any advice 4 working i am really struugling juggling hw i am feeling a baby and work! xxx

06-07-12, 16:40

I have just been given citalopram 20mg and am going on holiday within the next week too. To decrease the intensity of the effects I am going to take 10mg for the first few days and see how I get on. I know that this is sometimes used for the elderly. Just as an aside - the effects you are reading about (regarding citalopram) are coming from people who suffer from anxiety and panic (myself included!) and so may be exaggerated to some extent. I know that in my case a panic attack can be triggered by virtually anything, inc. walking up the stairs to quickly or taking a couple of codeine for period pains - so do take the symptoms described with a pinch of salt!

- O