View Full Version : is this a panick attack

22-02-10, 20:01
can anyone tell me if this was a panic attack iv been on citalopram 5mg last wk and 10mg this wk i woke up to day after lisening to my relaxation cd i was freezing so put my jumper on went into lounge i was watcing tv and it felt like my thoughts or vision was going 100 miles a hr anyway i noticed this then my chest went red hot i then started to panic i went outside in the cold took my jumper off i felt sick i then cooled down and came back in is this a side effect of my tab or just a pan attack do you still get panic while on these tabs or have they not kicked in yet

22-02-10, 20:32
If you have only just put the meds up I would suggest it could be a side effect. If they do not settle down in a few days have a chat with your doctor.

Yes you can still get panic attacks on meds. I would say that meds are there to give your body a helping hand at reducing symptoms and the chance of a panic. You still need to work on your mind with therapy and relaxation.

Its early days yet so give it a few days and if you are getting this episode regularly then go back to your doctor.

The thing with meds is they can take a few weeks to really kick in so its up to you to monitor your progress and see how it goes. I would always say to people that if the meds make you feel worse then try something else not all meds agree with all people.

Take Care

22-02-10, 20:40
It could be a side effect from citalopram. These meds can make you worse before you get better. It's still very early days so I would suggest that you stick to it for a few more weeks and give it a chance to work. But if things don't improve or get worse (ie you start having more PAs) then you should see your GP and explain the situation.

You are on a low dose so that should help but people react differently to these meds.

Good luck with it anyway and hope you feel better soon.

22-02-10, 21:17
thanx for your reply guys