View Full Version : sensitive with noise

22-02-10, 20:14
I had recently posted as I seem to have anxiety with hearing noise from neighbours or people outside.

It has set off panic attacks in the past and Im so scared it will happen again.

I dont think it helps that I live alone so I often stay over at familys places.

I am thinking that I might have sensitive hearing. I seem to hear what others dont notice. I notice all sound and the different levels of sound around me. Like when the telly is on I can hear the background humming.

I jump and my heart rate increases when I hear a door bang downstairs even if it is not that loud.

I am wondering if anyone else has this issue?


22-02-10, 21:10
Probably what's happened is you've tuned yourself you listen out for unusual noises.

I personally hate being alone, and any little noise from downstairs at night will always make me jump.

22-02-10, 21:38
Hey Verity,
I've found myself very jumpy over the past week or so, not just over noises, but anything, shadows, light, the cat- she really scares me if I'm feeling anxious, you name it, the smallest thing makes my heart pound
Lil x

22-02-10, 21:46
Hiya im the same with sounds, some people have very sensitive hearing an can hear things what others cant. Do you know if you can hear the alarms people use to keep cats out of gardens? Ive been able to hear them sorts of sounds all my life, but anxiety can cause some people to tune into sounds they wouldn't normally hear. I regularly get teens sitting on my doorstep playing music from there phones, it really does freak me out so much even though they are just sitting there like most teens do. Just keep reminding yourself that you have nothing to fear, its other people living there lives and they are not going to notice you noticing them unless you want them to :)

22-02-10, 21:48
Thanks guys, It is good to know im not the only one. Its horrible feeling so jumpy. I do think I have tuned myself into sound! Im trying to tune myself out of it now. I feel like a scared zoo animal pacing and jumping at everything.


22-02-10, 21:56
its quite normal with anxiety..

22-02-10, 21:58
Hi Dirty mouse, just see your reply. Its interesting what you have said about the cat alarms. I had to have mouse alarms in my flat as I had such a mouse problem that nothing worked. Luckily they work a treat and have not had anymore mice.

I plugged them in all over the house and I put one right near my bed. I remember that night feeling really irritable and I was convinced I could sense a high pitched noise coming from the mouse alarm. I moved it to the other side of the room which helped! I remember thinking I must have rodent ears!

It really helps me to say to myself that it is just people living their lives and they are not going to hurt me. Its tough as I am always living in dread of having a really noisey nieghbour. I have had that in the past and its really effected me.

I guess like you with the teens we cant all avoid the locals irritating us, but I will keep trying to be rational and not letting my mind run away with the worst case senario thoughts.


23-02-10, 13:02
lol rodent ears, goes quite well with my user name really.

How are you with loud sounds you have control of like music or the hoover? I sometimes feel like the hoover sound is putting me into a trance and refuse to use anything loud when Im alone for fear something or someone is going to hurt me or make me jump. I wont even get in the shower if no one is here with me and still run away from the toilet when I flush it because of the noise. LOL i feel so silly but it makes me laugh when Im not on my own :)

23-02-10, 13:36
i can relate very much with this. if the neighbours make noise outside (which they do more than once everyday) then I'll get anxious, not to the point of a panic attack, but it makes my heart go and my bad thoughts start.
I can also hear when they thump the wall next door (everyday), nobody else seems to hear it, or rather be bothered by it. It really annoys me and makes me anxious.
Have you tried putting the radio on,because then they can't judge you by the music - it's just radio music, and because you're listening to it you wont hear outside noises. Or even an mp3 player w/headphones i find works well, blocking it out.

Shit! I Hate sudden noises, the louder the worse.


23-02-10, 14:02
I had recently posted as I seem to have anxiety with hearing noise from neighbours or people outside.

It has set off panic attacks in the past and Im so scared it will happen again.

I dont think it helps that I live alone so I often stay over at familys places.

I am thinking that I might have sensitive hearing. I seem to hear what others dont notice. I notice all sound and the different levels of sound around me. Like when the telly is on I can hear the background humming.

I jump and my heart rate increases when I hear a door bang downstairs even if it is not that loud.

I am wondering if anyone else has this issue?


Hi Verity,

I too have this sometimes, if a noise that happens that I am expecting or a really loud bang goes off, it sets me off into panic mode. I dont know why, I just try to relax I have this habit of double tapping my chest, or chewing on my shirt... strange...

23-02-10, 14:14
I find strong winds blowing outside most un-nerving, I dread seeing 'strong winds' / 'gale force winds' in any forecasts. I feel very on edge and imagine windows blowing in or the roof blowing off or the car blowing away. Silly I know, but it just freaks me out!! :ohmy:

24-02-10, 08:22
Thanx all 4 ur replies. It is so helpful to feel understood and 2 know I'm not the only 1 wiv anxiety around noise. I seem 2 b ok wiv noise I make, its cos I'm in control I guess.

28-02-10, 14:43
This was one of my worst symptoms about a year ago. I am a teacher so work in a noisy environment. I could cope with classroom noise but used to freak out in the dinner hall etc. The worst thing for me was being in the staffroom / in a cafe where there was more than one conversation going on at once. It used to feel as though everyone was shouting in my ears! Traffic and engine noise was also a massive anxiety trigger - I remember one night being convinced that cars were sat outside my house revving their engines (which of course they weren't). I got in the car and tried to drive away from the noise and had to stop myself from running into A&E to demand they stopped the noises in my head!

I used to wear ear plugs all day as well as covering my ears with my hands (I must have looked insane). It took a long time to realise that very switched on hearing was a natural symptom of panic - part of the fight or flight. Basically in the event of danger, real or perceived, all of the senses become heightened, so it is only natural that your hearing is sharper. It means your body is working as it should. I couldn't stand the noise from the TV (to the point I threw out my TV) or the radio. I gradually began to introduce more noise into my environment until I was able to accept everyday noise again.

Good luck to all of you suffering with this. I also found information on hyperacusis (sensitivity to sound) helpful. You can get through it.


28-02-10, 15:35
I have heard of hyperacusis and monophobia I looked it up online. I think I have a bit of both. I'm sensitive to noise and afraid. I have also had a fungal ear infection for a month so I don't think that is helping. I still need to use the drops in my left ear for another month. I'm going back tonight to spend the night at my flat. I am scared but at the same time if I dont expose myself to it I will never get better and I don't think it is healthy to spend nearly every nite at others houses. I think my main fear is confrontation wiv neighbours and being hurt especially by a man as I was assulted as a teenager. Thank u all for your replies I'm hoping I can beat this.

03-03-10, 10:30
In my worst months of anxiety I had hyper sensitive hearing, every noise was like standing next to big ben when it struck twelve! It almost sent me mad. I used to go upstairs and put the headphones on and just listen to one noise only, a calming cd or something. I don't have this symptom any more, it passed away, along with many others that I was suffering from, a long time ago.

03-03-10, 22:02
Hi Anna

I too have to use headphones and listen to calming music. When I hear a door bang downstairs it feels like it vibrates through my whole body! I cant stand it. I do hope this also passes for me


27-08-10, 11:14
I do have the same problem. I do and I do.

27-08-10, 16:30
Its so comforting to no I am not alone with this...I truly felt so isolated! fanx guys xxx

28-08-10, 00:28

I get this also, but have found my eyes to be more sensitive also; I see little movements that get my attention, things I would have ignored in the past.

I grind my teeth just to overpower the other noises and fall asleep with a fan blowing at me. Otherwise I hear everything and my heartbeat.

20-09-10, 11:37

I joined this site because I saw the posts about noise, neighbours etc and this is exactly what I suffer with. It's horrible to know that other people are suffering too but I also feel a sense of relief to know that I'm not the only one.

I've had several episodes of noisy neighbours in the past before moving to a detached (rented) house. 3and 1/2 years of bliss. However, we couldn't afford to buy a detached house and so bought a semi early this year. Wouldn't you know it, next door's husband plays accoustic guitar, harmonica and sings (badly). Now that I'm freaked out by that I also notice the two kids banging about and shrieking in the garden. I spend a lot of time worrying about hearing them and looking out of the window to see if the cars have gone etc. It's ruling my life and driving me mad.

I've previously had hynotherapy and CBT to try to deal with my noise issues but it hasn't worked. I wear ear plugs in bed and my husband soundproofed the front room. I don't like to go in the garden in case I can hear him out there. I know it's ridiculous but I can't help it. I don't want to move and I don't want to pass this on to my daughter (nearly two).

Anyway, thanks for letting me 'share'.

Kanga x

Hazel B
20-09-10, 11:50
We are not alone! When my anxiety was at its worst, I could not bear any noise: radio, TV, the cat, neighbours drum kit, piano and trumpet (great joy!). I also could not read, listen to my favourite music or watch TV. My GP told me this is part of anxiety: fight or flight and adrenalin. My sense of smell was very strong as well, again that's normal when you're in fear but there's no real threat like a lion coming to eat you.
My GP said it's "sensory overload", I've been off work for 2 weeks taking it easy.
My partner went next door and politely asked them to stop all the live music after 9pm as I've been ill and they've been quieter since.

20-09-10, 13:43
Hi, I too feel this way especially when I am afraid. However, I gather up my courage to go "check" what is happening and i convince myself that there's actually nothing and is just my neighbours going around doing their things. Telling myself that hearing this noises was actaully good cause it proves that I am not alone.

I try to breath and relax myself, however it does make me jumpy too. But i guess breathing excersise does help alot. Maybe playing some soft white noise when you are sleeping? on a radio or tv?

Hope this help ! Take care!

10-10-10, 00:38
wow so many responses, it helps that Im not the only one with this type of anxiety. The nieghbour downstairs is often away which for me is good but I still live with the fear of him coming back or someone else moving in and making noise. Like tonite the front room light was on downstairs...I fink they put it on to make it seem like someone lives there regularly but It still sends my anx sky high.
I currently have my ipod on to drown anything out as my anx is so high I no I will panic at every little noise this evening. I even have to wear headphones in bed and listent to the radio and have got used to sleeping with my own noise although I have to be careful to not have it too loud otherwise I wont hear alarm clock!
I hate being like this..I know I have got less paniky in my flat now and am not running away all the time to stay at familys houses so I have made progress.
but I cant be scared of neighbours and every little noise, I cant expect silence. I need to really tackle this I cant spend my life plugged into headphones..its doing my head in!!

10-10-10, 00:48
Well done Verity, on your progress.

I, too suffer from sensitive hearing problems, due to anxiety.

At one time when I was in hospital I couldn't even bear to stand the sound of cutlery being set down on the table in the dining room.

Now, I'm still very aware of noise, but it has lessened with time...

Honey, I hope you feel a bit better soon, too...

Sue x :flowers:

10-10-10, 01:21
I hate being like this..I know I have got less paniky in my flat now and am not running away all the time to stay at familys houses so I have made progress.

That's a real victory Verity, you should be proud of yourself.

I hate noise too....I especially can't stand it in public places, it just sets my nerves on edge even more. I also lately hate people walking very closely behind me, or talking loudly in close proximity to me. Even neighbourhood kids shouting or people making building work noise set my nerves off as well.

Anxiety is such a very strange thing, as this doesn't worry or bother me when I feel ok.