View Full Version : Muscles problems and weakness

05-01-06, 16:13
I'm having a horrible time

Over the last couple of weeks, my arms and legs have been feeling weaker and weaker, in fact my whole body has

Now my limbs feel as though they are charged with lead and are as though I can hardly move them. If I write, my arms hurts, if I stretch they hurt and I'm getting tingling in my hands. If I stretch right out my arms start to shake.

When I walk, my legs feel like they aren't there. (not jelly legs) but just like they won't move or are so weak. It's like it all the time. So I feel dizzy and sick (and lots more)

What I'm trying to find out if is anyone else has ever been like this for a long period of time. I'm even struggling to drive as it's hard to turn the wheel and press the pedals.

Can your muscles tense up so much all of the time that it gets this bad. I've tried exercising but just don't have the strength to do it and my limbs feel weaker and I have to stop.

I've had endless hot baths and last night I even massaged my legs and have woken up covered in bruises on them. I'm hoping it's just cos I was too rough but am afraid I have some blood disease or disorder etc. I did do it just after a bath, would this have made them me susceptible to bruising.

I've had anxiety for a long long time now but all of this seems so new to me. As I type right now, my arms, hands, and shoulders hurt all over. My fingers throb too and shoot pains

Please reassure me that anxiety can do this to you.




05-01-06, 16:20
hi jules yes beleive me your muscles can tense up that much that you produce all your symptoms .i am the same have all your symptoms and more it is horrible .ive tried everything too but the answer really lies in our thoughts at the end of the day.easier said than done but it can be done i have overcome it before .but am back as bad as ever bacause let things get on top of me.try not to worry .i wish i could listen to my own words lol.there is hope .take care marcia

marcia lowe

05-01-06, 16:28
What Anxiety can do to you is limited only by your imagnation!!!!

Energy follows thoughts, so your anxiety can do to you whatever you can imagine; that's the nature of the beast I'm afraid.

Having said all that, the bruising is new to me; though nothing to worry about I'm sure. I would also hazard a guess to say that it's not as severe as you say?!?!?!

Have you got any good relaxation methods?

Try googling Autogenics (Technique) or Complete Relaxtion (CD) by Glenn Harrold - very good!

I know that these wont help now, but they will definitely help in the future - it is all tension and hyperventilation produced by negative thought patterns.


PS: I am by no means "cured" - all the tools, no skill!

05-01-06, 18:40
are you on any medication ?

I just want my life back

08-01-06, 14:00
HI Jules,

I am having the same as you now.

Sent you a Private Message, PLEASE READ IT.




09-01-06, 10:33
Penny have sent you a pm back.

Thanks everyone else. Sadly the muscle pain has progressed into nerve and joint pain so I'm not happy at all. On top of that I'm feeling very faint and dizzy all the time but thank you all for your help.


09-01-06, 11:52
Jules alot of your post struck a chord with me.

When I first had anxiety 6 years ago this muscle weakness thing was a major part of my physical symtoms I could barely stand at the sink long enough to clean my teeth!!!!

My friends all laugh at me too cos I am forever telling them I bruise like a peach but since I have been this way for quite some number of years and as a child and had odd blood tests for one thing or another I am sure something would have shown up by now.

Some people just do bruise easily.

If its worrying you, to put your mind at rest why don't you go and see the doctor.

Also like has been suggested the Glenn Harrold cd's are fab I use them regularly.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

10-01-06, 21:18
Hi Jules,

Sorry you are feeling so rubbish but I can totally relate to all your symptoms. We always seem to have very similar symptoms.

I have had the dizziness feeling now for a few months where I feel like i am walking on a boat and its not pleasant. I feel weak and sick with this feeling and it comes and goes throughout the day. I think the cold weather makes it worse. My GP says I have Labrynthitis ( sorry bad spelling) which is an inner ear problem due to a virus. I am not sure if it is actually this or just anxiety or both.

I have had major tension in my neck/shoulders/head which seems like forever. I too have had warm baths, massages etc too to see if they help but it doesnt seem to help for long. I have had pains in my hands and down my arms and shoulders for about 2 weeks. This symptom comes and goes throughout the day.

I have TMJ so this causes me a lot of neck and shoulder pain but I do think its getting worse or has been lately. Do you have jaw problems? maybe that is causing the neck tension?

My body also feels weak, particularly my upper body. I feel vague and spaced out at times throughout the day and I think this might have something to do with the neck tension. My arms feel weak at times and I sometimes fell my legs are weak. This weakness comes and goes though, is this the same for you or is yours all day?

I just feel since I have been feeling dizzy more, I am panicking more and I actually feel I am becoming less social etc as I am scared to be out incase I take a funny turn. I had a lot more chest pain etc since feeling this way.

Its like a cycle which I just cant break free from as like you, another symptom just keeps coming which makes you worry more and more.... I dont know whether it is just stress and anxiety that is causing these symptoms as they do so anxiety can give you almost any symptom you can think of in the body....

If you need to chat, you can PM me.

Take care


11-01-06, 09:44
Hi Jules
I can relate to what you are saying and I have just logged on this morning looking for support on this exact topic.

My muscle problems have got progressively worse over the last couple of years. I have been suffering with anxiety issues for the past 20 years and I have been through the whole spectrum of related problems associated with it.

I am seeing a respiratory physiotherapist at the moment for help with chronic hyperventilation syndrome. I feel so hopeless because it feels like I am never going to come out the other end of this. I despair most days. My shoulders and neck are the worst at the moment, I can no longer work, I am getting pretty desperate now as with only one income we can't manage for much longer.

Sorry I haven't been able to offer much advice I just wanted you to know you are not alone with this and feel free to PM me if you want to chat. :)