View Full Version : Quick tongue question - don't worry I'm not in a panicked state as usual.

22-02-10, 21:27
I think someone on here said they had what I had before but just wanted to make sure because I am NOT going near Google tonight.

I admit I've been a little on and off with my HA today but not going into full blown crisis mode or anything like I do before I even post here.

On my tongue on the front of it it's all bright red at the tip. Has been for months and months. And at the front right there's a bright red patch which goes away sometimes but is usually there.

Now - Can I just ask has anyone else had this or do they still have it ? I know someone here, but I can't remember who, said they had the red patches in the middle/right hand side/back of their tongue but never at the front of it. Anyone at all able to tell me if they have had this before ?

My doctor/dentist said it's very normal but as most of us HA sufferers can relate to I don't usually take their word for anything.

22-02-10, 21:30
Yes hun,

i have one on the tip and the middle, had it almost two years now, i gave up worrying about it a while ago, your doc/dentist has checked it out, don't spend two years like me worrying over it, i know easier said than done, but do try not to focus on it.

di xx

22-02-10, 21:33
Yes hun,

i have one on the tip and the middle, had it almost two years now, i gave up worrying about it a while ago, your doc/dentist has checked it out, don't spend two years like me worrying over it, i know easier said than done, but do try not to focus on it.

di xx

Thanks a lot for your reply.

It's just like an area that is a different colour/tone/layout to the rest of your tongue then ?

It's not painful at all. It just looks like it's not meant to be there. But I've been doing good today and only checked my mouth once or twice.

I really appreciate you taking the time to get back to me.

22-02-10, 21:44
Yep, mine is totally different patch than the rest of it and believe me the dentist would know if it was something to worry about, i only wish i'd have listened and believed mine two years ago, i wasted too much time worrying over nothing.

Don't do what i did, i permanently checked my tongue out for so long and became so focused on it, it was a miserable two years.

di xx

23-02-10, 11:30
Cheers Diane.

How did you get past it ?

I can't seem to stop looking at my tongue in work when in the toilet, at home after a shower or even in the mirror in the car at traffic lights.

I fear everything on my tongue is a sign of severe illness, like the red patches, like white spots on there, like any coating.

Did you just give up or did you see anyone?

23-02-10, 12:30
I get red patches, white patches and all sorts. Doctors and acupuncturists and other alternative practitioners will tell you that tongues change daily and are a good indicator of our general health. But, what we eat and drink and even the toothpaste and mouthwash we use, affects the way it looks.

The red and white patches are normal, and if you lined up enough people and asked them to poke out their tongues you would see they all look different and all have patches and many would be similar to your own.

On saying that, I know what its like to focus on something and get it in your head that something is wrong. Hope you can get past this. Take care