View Full Version : Think I have an infection from bad tooth.

22-02-10, 21:29
I think I have an infection from my tooth. The last few days I have been feeling like I have had a bad head cold or like a bit of flu. My tooth broke in December and over the last few days its has been causing me pain and seems to be leaking a substance in to my mouth too.

I did the worst thing and googled :( Now I feel like i'm on my last legs. I'm going to ring up the dentist tommorow and see if I can get it out. But I'm really really scared :( I feel so clammy and feel so light headed, but I'm not sure if it's anxiety showing it's head again. I also have a very strange head ache. Has any body else has symptoms like this from a bad tooth?



22-02-10, 21:46
hey :) ive had the same for about a year now, my teeth are over crowded at the bottom and one in particular bothers me alot, ive now got a second infection in the same place and my dentist said ill need root canal treatment, but i defo know what you mean when you say a leaking coming out and headache, but i dont ever google as i just scare the poop out of myself! lol my dentist says tooth infection so thats that :) but my problem is taking the antibiotics! lol. hope i helped a little :) x

22-02-10, 21:51
Hi Ken,

I've had tooth infections in the past that have caused me a headache, earache, pain in one side of my neck(normally due to the glands that come to help fight the infection).

Just pop to dentist when you can, he'll most likely give you antibiotics to clear it up and sort the tooth out.

di xx

22-02-10, 21:55
Funny I have one right now..Its broken and think its becoming abscess and is swollen underneath in the lymph nodes and they can make you feel just about anything . I have suffered with toothaches over the years and they have caused me to feel just about everyway so im sure it could cause the same with you,Its not going to kill you ,just annoying mostly but check it out and get it taken care of.Hope you feel better.

22-02-10, 22:00
Thanks so much for your replies x

My throats on fire too :( Overall really feeling sorry for myself. I really should'nt of googled :( But I was not too sure if a tooth could make you feel like this. It really has made me feel rough. Well I'm presuming it's this.

Thanks again X


22-02-10, 22:05
Thanks for the reply.

It was on Christmas day it broke eating a toffee. I could not do anything about it becasue of the christmas period. I just dosed up on iburophen and eventually the nerve I guess died and the pain went. It's been ok since, but it's flared up again now. I'm afarid I'm one of these that puts things off and now I'm suffering for it.

Funny I have one right now..Its broken and think its becoming abscess and is swollen underneath in the lymph nodes and they can make you feel just about anything . I have suffered with toothaches over the years and they have caused me to feel just about everyway so im sure it could cause the same with you,Its not going to kill you ,just annoying mostly but check it out and get it taken care of.Hope you feel better.

23-02-10, 10:45
I can not get an appointment today as there is no emergency surgeon :( I feel alot worse too today. My heads aching like hell. I have made an appointment with the DR to see if they can help. Not felt this bad for years.

23-02-10, 10:56
if i was you i would ring the docter sounds like you have infection ,, witch can ,cause your symtoms ont but it off sounds like you need antibiotics

23-02-10, 12:38
Doctor is a good idea - they will prescribe broad spectrum antibiotics, and if you're lucky, a painkiller with something a little better than paracetamol in it.

23-02-10, 13:19
Thanks for the replies :)

Just got back and she seems to think I have an infection on my tonsels. I have 4 spots on them apparantly and they are very swollen? She has given me some penicillin to take. I'v had amoxicillin before, but not penicillin. Should I be worried?

23-02-10, 13:26
It's essentially very similar and derived from the same compounds - amoxycillin is a penicillin-based antibiotic (hence the suffix 'cillin'). They have different modes of action on bacteria. Both are broad spectrum, meaning that they can be prescribed for lots of different purposes.

In short, you'll be fine. Take your medicine and rest your throat.

23-02-10, 17:48
Thanks for that.

I'm terrible for taking any meds, but I will give them ago.

It's essentially very similar and derived from the same compounds - amoxycillin is a penicillin-based antibiotic (hence the suffix 'cillin'). They have different modes of action on bacteria. Both are broad spectrum, meaning that they can be prescribed for lots of different purposes.

In short, you'll be fine. Take your medicine and rest your throat.

23-02-10, 18:21
no you will be fine lad you went should improve now x