View Full Version : CBT so hard!

22-02-10, 23:53
Hi all,
feel like i've been having cbt forever. my therapist is training in cbt and has admitted that maybe they got a few things wrong, but is it normal to feel so tired with it. I feel totally drained, like i have to change everything i've become over the last 20+ years. Has anyone been through this and come out the otherside, could really do with some encouragement at the moment please. Feel like giving up so many other things happening, but i'm a stubborn so and so and want to beat this, hate feeling like this most of the time, want to enjoy life again and do stuff.
thanks for reading please any advice/support is really needed at moment.:shrug::shrug:Angela

23-02-10, 00:17
Can't really give advice but i can tell you i'm in the same boat as you - my therapist is new to CBT and is training, i've had 5 sessions now and feel like giving up, but i'll keep going :blush:.

I too have to change many things and i'm finding it hard to change so many things, don't give up! We'll get there :)

23-02-10, 00:20
thank you, thought I was so screwed up and thats why I was finding it hard, glad to know i'm not alone.:yesyes:

claire m
23-02-10, 09:49
it is difficult but hang in there ive had 6mths and appointments at first every other week and now every week so its been along process and at times really exhausting mentally and really didnt feel like it was helping but now i can feel and see small positive changes so there is hope xx.

23-02-10, 10:05
Thanks Claire, glad to know thers hope, just have to keep going and trying.

23-02-10, 10:52
CBT is generally held to be a collaborative process. Therefore I thnk it would be ok to share how you're feeling and what thoughts are on you mind.

For example, if someone in therapy (and I'm not referring to anyone in particular on this thread) were telling themselves "I'll never get better"; "This might work for some people, but not me" etc. It may put a bit of a barrier on progress in therapy.

So, IMHO, share with the therapist and see if it helps move things forward for you.

Hope things go well for you.


23-02-10, 19:57
I've just finished CBT after almost three years - started with weekly sessions, then fortnightly, 3monthly etc. It has been hard work - and sometimes I wondered if I was making any progress, and I certainly did go backwards sometimes! But I've just done something I couldn't have even contemplated three years ago (MRI scan) - and it helped me to see what tremendous progress I had made - I think we have to keep practising the techniques and reminding ourselves - but I do think that it makes us much more resilient for the rest of our days (I'm optimistic today!) - tools to work with but we have to keep using them. Stick with it because it really does move us on - slowly and steadily.

28-02-10, 17:36
CBT is extremely difficult but you can suceed.........keep going everyone.....i start on tuesday