View Full Version : Not sure what to think - Update

23-02-10, 00:38
Hi guys,
Haven't posted here for a while, mainly because things have been better, they still are, but having a bit of a weird few days and could do with some thoughts, opinions etc.

After seeing the rheumatologist and having a liver and abdominal scan as well to check all my organs (specifically my liver as I was convinced I had cirrhosis) everything came back clear. The rheumatologist said he rarely sees such a perfect set of results, so he said I should stop getting tests and move on, which I have been doing.

I started seeing a psychiatrist who agreed the same, and his opinion was that I would live a long and healthy life and that no medical problem was apparent or likely to be found.

I'm on 40mg of citalopram now and it has helped.

I've started drinking a bit again (socially) and i'm living in a new flat in a great location with great people, and just had a nice birthday, so i've been very happy, but also going through problems with a girl, stressed about money issues, and starting to feel anxious again.

Have also had (embarassingly) anal pain for the last couple of days, and a long staying blotchy rash, which i've been given cream for, but seems to be lingering.

Trying to register with a Dr tomorrow, but for some reason I just feel really stressed out and can feel the panic creeping back, even though I have been having lots of fun, and really pleased with the move.

I guess the stress of the move, relationship issues, money etc could be bringing on rashes and my worries about other stuff.

Just want to keep level headed and be rational about it.

Sorry I have waffled on about nothing in particular, just needed to get some stuff out.

If anyone wants to reply, chat, give advice, tell similar stories, I'd love to hear from you.

Hope everyone is bearing up.

Chris x

23-02-10, 07:21
Hey Chris...

Why did you think you had cirrhosis? Anything in particular? I ask only because that is my number one fear too.

23-02-10, 16:09
Hello mate.
I had petechaie, which I still have, I was tired all the time, I have a lot of blotches, small purple veins, cuts stick around for a long time, and was getting nauseous on and off.

I was told by lots of people I didnt have it but for some reason I was totally convinced. All blood tests were normal several times, then I had an ultrasound which was clear.

Chris x

24-02-10, 02:51
Yea I've had similar issues. I have petechaie too I think, mostly on my arms. It looks like someone took a lancet and poked my arm randomly. I also have the pale fingernails, occasional dark urine and light BM, varying appetite... went in thinking for sure my blood would be out of whack but it was normal? My doc didn't seem concerned one bit and didn't recommend any imaging.

In any case I'm not drinking another drop and eating well. It's about all you can do in my case.

24-02-10, 08:44
Hi Chris

Usually when you register with a new Dr you get the opportunity to talk over things, hope that happened with you?

You don't want to let things start getting on top of you again as you have been doing well for a while, so try and nip it in the bud straight away, hopefully a chat with your new Dr will have done this.

House moves are stressful and that should ease off now. If the girl is important to you, try and resolve the problems if you can, she may have been a big comfort to your anxieties? Money not as easy, sorry.

Good luck.


Veronica H
24-02-10, 09:35
:bighug1:you have done so well Chris, but of course real life brings some stress and so you are having to manage this too. I just wanted to hone in on the drinking and say that I would completely cut it out if you can, especially as your meds are helping.:bighug1:
