View Full Version : Obsessive Thoughts are Back in Action!

23-02-10, 00:48
okay, just real quick....i was doing really well but every once in a while, i start getting my obsessive anxieties back--i'm getting a job soon in addition to already being a student cuz i'm the type of person who must be occupied at all times -- but i just need to vent because the past couple days have been hard...

my obsessive thoughts are basically about depression and suicide, where i worry about either one of them and then they get into the back of my head and i get kinda "locked in"--just like all my other numerous obsessions and so many "what ifs" blahblahblah...i just kinda needed to get this out of my system...and if anyone has any advice, that'd be awesome. THANKS!

23-02-10, 01:51

First of all SNAP! I am exactly like that and when I was a student I had to do exactly the same as you to keep myself occupied. It is very hard I have to say.When I start getting my obsessional thoughts, or should I say when I begin listening to them again I get "locked in" and it can take me a while to get out of them. Its hard when I am not occupied. I graduated in November and had to leave my job when my mum moved.(Living with her for a short time)Because I have not been able to find a job since I have become locked down. This is normal and you will get past it but like all things life goes up and down and you are in the dip and its going to take a bit of strength to get on the rise! I would say that you may want to seek help from either your GP or consider some kind of counselling because we always find some time when we are not occupied and you may find it useful to have some support at that time.

Try and do things you enjoy to try and take your mind off it.Have you any friends that know of your hardship? I confided in a friend at university and this helped because if I was off or sad she knew why.Pick someone you trust, a lot of the time they do understand even if you think they wont.

Take care and if you need a friend, im here! x

andrea thompson
23-02-10, 01:53
hiya hon
its a fine line between keeping yourself busy aind stressing ypurself out... its really hard (i know ) but you need to relax aswell. i too have been doing quite well. somehow i have managed to get myself all worked up about dying and serious illness because i have a cold and chesty cough... omg....

do you find you are doing well for a while and then you have like a build up of symptoms and then one day you feel really crap... thats what is happeneing to me... it seeems to be a pattern for some people on here...

remember take time out to relax... when ever possible!!!

take care
andrea x x

23-02-10, 19:36
thanks guys!

i'm rly trying to take a break with the therapy thing..cuz i feel like i have the answers inside...i've had like 4 or 5 therapists and i think i rly got this now, just having a little rough patch right now but i'm sure it'll get better...

and yeah andrea i know what you're talking about when you say you feel good for awhile then one day the symptoms come back...i know!

music, tv, cleaning, reading and moving keeps my mind off of it...i wish i could relax but sometimes relaxing triggers it because there's nothing on my mind, so i come up with things to think about which is pretty much never good! lol

good luck guys!

24-02-10, 01:21
:doh:another tough day...i keep changing everything around so that it has a depressing outlook...OMG IT'S SO ANNOYING :doh:

06-03-10, 16:24
omg i have those thoughts didnt know others did dont want to do it but terrified i may some day

06-03-10, 16:30
Yes been there recently!! Think your doing the best thing you can now!! Your talking about it,,that's really important, because that helps stop those thoughts getting locked away inside your head. If i don't talk to people about the way i feel those thoughts almost drive me insane. letting those feelings out sort of dilute's them i find, makes them not so strong.
Regards Redrainbow.