View Full Version : Fears Heart Problems

23-02-10, 05:57
I have been to the doctor too many times, and the emergency room 3 times because I have chest pain, jaw pain, shooting pain down both arms. I used to have a really stressful job and its all gotten worse over time. I have had full blood panels, chest x-ray, and ekg's all with normal results. I recently quit my job but and have been to my doctor recently but I have a few symptoms lately that really scare me. I have clicking, snapping noises in the back of my head, flashing hot sensations in my upper-back/neck/head area and I start to feel really faint and weak like my heart is beating too slow and I am goig to pass out, I get chest pain too, arm pain, jaw pain. I am scared I have heart disease or something else scary but I feel like a nuissance going to my doctor with this, although I really want to. I know I am a hypochondriac but I have a need to be sure,

Any Thoughts??