View Full Version : so scared,help!!!!!!!!

23-02-10, 15:35
2wks ago i had to take antibiotics,having a bad chest infection,i finished the course sunday,i still have a little phlem there yet,i was coughing this morning and noticed some blood streaked in it,its paniced me,i looked up on google,and phew,acording to that iv got lung cancer:ohmy: im in such a state here.it happened afew times this morning,but all seems clear at this min,sorry its not a nice subject guys,but i need to talk to someone,im worried sick,could it be iv still got a chest infection?or is it somthing sinister??,has any one else had this?.iv made an apoint to see my doc on the 2nd march,but hate to know ill be worried till then,iv been ok the past week (no panics or anxiety)but this has started me off feeling anxious,its getting to much to bear,thinking iv lung cancer and the anxiety on top of it,any help in putting my mind at ease,will be well apreiciated.:scared10:

23-02-10, 15:39
Try and stay calm, chest infections and coughing can cause red streaks in what you bring up. I had it once about 10 years ago and it worried me - still here!!
My 14 year also has coughed up streaky blood when she has had a chest infection....try not to worry xx

23-02-10, 15:40
HI!! Deep breaths!! Your "okay" - chances are you have irritated the lining of your throat with the infection and like a cut on your hand it is bleeding a bit (especially if you have been coughing a lot). It'll heal in time....and just a note, if you google any symptom I guarantee you will find you have some type of cancer ;-)

23-02-10, 15:41
blood in plem is not unusel when you have chest infection its not from chest its litte blood vessals that get irratted with couhing thatsall so dont worry i was a nurse know about these thing so stay calm

23-02-10, 15:48
oh thanks zojo,barbn,your replys have reasured me a little,i went a lttle overboard with my thoughts i guess,and as you say google can cause unesasary worry,i wont be googling again thats for sure.thanks guys your stars.xxxxxxxx

23-02-10, 15:53
cheers gypsy,i can go get a cuppa and somthing to eat now,and relax at last,so helpfull,thanks.xxx