View Full Version : cbt problems

23-02-10, 15:56
hiya folks just wondering if any other people on here have found cbt more of a problem than a help.I am finding that because my therapist has set me certain goals each week that i am having to think more which in turn causes more and more panic attacks my problem is panic while driving which scares the hell out of me PLEASE HELP:ohmy:

23-02-10, 15:58
Hi juejue

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

23-02-10, 16:24
If you use the "search" box above I'm sure you'll find lots of useful posts on CBT.

Want to welcome you to the forum and hope you find it useful.

I hope you start to feel better soon.

23-02-10, 16:41
Look up my cbt post all about driving and panicking. I had to put an awful lot of work into the sessions to help me, however, and it wasn't easy.

Maybe reading my post will help you.

23-02-10, 16:49

I have been through the CBT route and yes it is hard to face the challenges to start with.
if you feel the targets are too much to start with tell your councillor im sure hey will set smaller ones.
Please try and face those fears though it doeas get easier each time and eventually they dont seem so scarry any more.
I have been almost anxiety free since my CBT andf when i do feel one coming on i try and challenge it and it certainly helps.

Best of luck with your fight and remember you havent lost until you give up trying xx

23-02-10, 17:02
hiya folks just wondering if any other people on here have found cbt more of a problem than a help.I am finding that because my therapist has set me certain goals each week that i am having to think more which in turn causes more and more panic attacks my problem is panic while driving which scares the hell out of me PLEASE HELP:ohmy:

Hi its Claire

I quite agree with you on this one. You have fully explained the reason that I dont want to start CBT for.


23-02-10, 17:50
Are you having your CBT on the NHS ? Reason I ask is that generally you only get 6 or so sessions, and they seem to rush you through it, which isnt necessarily right for everyone.

I think the key with facing problems like your driving anxiety is to make the goals small and achievable for each step, repeating them if necessary rather than trying to jump too far forward.

For example, your first goal could be to drive 1 mile from the house on quiet roads, then to do this more often, then build up to 2 miles on quiet roads, 2 miles on busier roads, 3 miles on quiet roads etc....

There is a good book called 'free yourself from anxiety' that covers this in more detail, but it is essentially like climbing a ladder - you have to go one step at a time, not just jump right to the top of the ladder where your final goal is.

Talk to your therapist though, tell them you are finding the goals too daunting at the moment, and get them to give you some smaller ones. Beware though that you WILL have to challenge and stretch yourself to really get over the problem as you cant just put off the final goal by only making really tiny steps towards it to put off reaching the end, but as you get more confident in driving and can do it for longer and longer, then you should find that this is easier.

23-02-10, 18:02
Hi, just wanted to give you some reassurance. I had CBT four y cears ago for 6 months for depression and anxiety. I too found it difficult at first as I was given sort of homework to do, but in time it became natural to me and really helped me. Since 2006 I have had no spells of depression or anxiety. It is only now that I am unwell due to a stressful situation in my life that is out of my control. It taught me to look at the positive things in my life and I wrote a journal each day saying what I had achieved, however, small that was i.e. taking my kids to school, cooking etc. It just can take a little time to re-train your brain into this way of positive thinking. All I can say is my heart goes out to how you are feeling, but I remained drug free for four years and became a more confident person. I can definitely say it has helped me over the years.

Take care, regards, Flossy

23-02-10, 19:39
thankyou all for your kind messages, i shall carry on with cbt because i want to beat this and get my life back again.
thanks julie