View Full Version : Furious and just need to VENT!

23-02-10, 15:59
This is going to be a little long and I am so angry I could scream!

My doctor is a lovely woman. She's kind and sympathetic, however, she takes forever to try to diagnose a problem. For instance, I'd go in and explain my symptoms (physical not emotional) and she would order bloodwork and maybe a test. Then she wouldn't want to see me for three months. If you've read any of my other threads, you know how I've been suffering these internal vibrations for months.

I saw her in January and she ordered the EMG and doesn't want to see me until the end of April. I'm still suffering, by the way.

There is a sign in her office that says they will not call you if your test results are normal. The anxiety of waiting for the phone to ring is ridiculous.

The last time I went to her in January, I asked for copies of my bloodwork and all the tests I had in the hospital (November). I am hypothyroid. I noticed that my TSH was 6.75. Normal values are .3 - 3! I asked why I didn't get a call to adjust my meds. No answer. Then, when I left, she gave me an order for more bloodwork. I noticed that she wanted another ANA and a DSDNA. I looked for the ANA in my copies and it wasn't there. So the ANA was positive! If it were negative, there would be no reason to repeat it and add the DSDNA! Don't I have the right to know this???

The straw that broke the camel's back was a phone call from my daughter. She has been feeling really sick and had bloodwork about a month ago. She never heard back from the doctor, so she assumed everything was normal. Since she was feeling so bad, she called our doctor to make sure her bloodwork was OK. HER TSH was 7.2! No call. Her request for Naproxin two weeks ago was ignored.

I am calling today to change doctors. My anxiety is through the roof. I don't feel safe anymore. She doesn't call when tests are normal, but doesn't call when they are abnormal either!

If you've read this far, thank you. I needed to vent. Between the anger and the anxiety, I'm just a mess.

andrea thompson
23-02-10, 16:11
hi hon
i am so sorry you are having such trouble with your dr at the moment.. maybe it is a good idea to change drs... i dont blame you.. at my drs you have to ring in for your own results and if they not back you just have to keep ringing... last time i rang for blood results the receptionist said the dr needed to speak to me... i poohed my pants thiunking something was wrong... i saw the nurse that dsay and she said all was fine with my bloods so sisnt understand why needed to dr... when i saw dr like a week later he said i needed iron... why did i have to see so many people AND WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG TO GET ME SOME IRON TABLETS... sorry to whinge but i just wanted you to know that others going through similar things... you need to get things off your chest... i hope you resolve these issues with your dr and your health shortly.

take care

andrea x x

23-02-10, 16:12
Yep, time for a new doc!! How frustrating....I don't know if this is good or bad, but when I have tests done the results are posted online in my personal account, so I can view at any time...my Doc usually calls or if everything is "Okay" she sends me the results in the mail with a note saying "looks good" see you in a month (or when ever my next appointment is)...Either way, I know something....

I would be especially irriated knowing she knows you have anxiety....

23-02-10, 17:15
Andrea, I'm sorry you went through that only to find you needed iron tabs! These doctors are sometimes the cause of more HA! I would have been happy to call for my results, but it seems the office doesn't want to be bothered.

Barbn, I would LOVE it if my doctor did that! I just called the doctor I want to get in with, but they are out to lunch. After they agree to take me, then it's a call to BC/BS to get my PCP changed. Since it's after the 15th of the month, it won't be effective until April 1. It's still a wait, but at least I'll feel safe.

I spoke with a friend who goes to the doc I want to get in with. She loves him and he's supposed to be the best diagnostician around. Keeping my fingers crossed!

23-02-10, 17:39
Had my blood test done on the Wednesday. Next day the doc PHONED me my results. Now thats service. Never have liked the idea "if you don't hear from us, everythings okay". Doesn't allow for human error. Not best practice in my mind! Change to a different surgery with a more efficient policy if yours won't allow you to ring for results in future. No wonder you are anxious!

23-02-10, 19:00
Corinne, as someone else who suffers from thyroid problems I can totally sympathise with you. I was told all my tests were normal... only the next time I went to the doctors for an appointment with the nurse did I find out I had extremely high thyroid antibodies!!! They hadn't even bothered to tell me the results of the test...probably because they have been so damn reluctant to diagnose me in the first place.grrr. definitely if you can, try and find another doctor. xxxx

23-02-10, 19:14
It seems that doctors do this worldwide. What a shame.

I just got finished with all the red tape. I have a new doctor who is supposed to be a great diagnostician and I have an appointment next Tuesday! My old doc is going to be shocked when she is asked to transfer my records

Friday I have my first appointment with a psychiatrist to try to sort out my HA, so next week will be exhausting for me.

Kirst24, they had a hard time diagnosing my hypothyroidism. When they finally did, it was so low that they were surprised I wasn't in a coma! I've been on medication for about ten years now. I take 75mcg Synthroid. I hope your thyroid is under control now. It's amazing what a low or high thyroid can do to a body!

Smudger, you are very lucky. You have a great doctor!

Thanks to everyone who replied. Hugs to all of you!

23-02-10, 19:19
That's great you're seeing a new doctor and also seeing someone about HA.

What were your thyroid levels when they diagnosed you if you don't mind me asking? They have diagnosed me with hashimotos, my TSH and T4 are still in normal range even though TSH is too high and T4 too low going by other countries!! Managed to persuade doctor to give me trial of thyroxine 25mcg but still feeling awful right now. Only been on it a week.


23-02-10, 20:08
I really don't know what my values were when I was diagnosed. They never told me. It was about ten years ago or more. I remember walking out of my classroom, leaning against the wall because I couldn't walk, crying and calling the doctor on my cell. They sent me for blood work right away. I got a call at 4:00 asking me to come to the office right away. I don't even remember how I drove there. They got meds into me right there and gave me a prescription. It must have been bad because you're supposed to take thyroid meds in the morning. The only thing the doctor said was that my thyroid was working at 1/400 of what it was supposed to be -- so practically not working at all! That's when they said it was a miracle that I wasn't in a coma. God was surely with me!

23-02-10, 22:25
I would report that doctor too. she could end up killing someone!!

24-02-10, 03:10
I would report that doctor too. she could end up killing someone!!
My daughter said the same thing, mishel! She told me that my doctor was going to end up killing me and that I HAD to go somewhere else. LOL The child becomes the mother.