View Full Version : Panic Attack

23-02-10, 18:16
I have just had a panic attack today when my solicitor called me to say my ex may be going to get an occupation order for the house. I have taken 12 parcetamols and 4 promazine what do I do? I have stopped at 12 parcetamols. I have panic attacks which lead to me buying tablets.



23-02-10, 18:18
when did you take them at diff times or all about same time its importent

23-02-10, 18:23
I took them between 2 and 4 o clock this afternoon. I think Ive stopped myself before they consider it an overdose I dont know.


23-02-10, 18:23
Hello Claire :)

You say that your panic attacks cause you to buy tablets and I see that you have taken quite a quantity of paracetamol..is it any particular tablets that you feel the need to buy?

Obviously Gypsy and I are sharing the same concern in that Paracetamol can be damaging to the liver, it might be a good idea to check with NHS direct if there is any immediate risk to your health.


23-02-10, 18:25
Posted when you did!

I think you need to double check hun. Try and get that sorted and there will always be someone here who wants to try and help you through the awful time you're having.

Go and give NHS Direct a call? :hugs:

23-02-10, 18:28
Its mainly just parcetamol or sometimes Panadol that I buy. I can usually stop myself taking it by taking promazine. I am scared because I dont want to go to hospital as I am under the mental health team already. I ended up in hospital the other week because of this. I have a crisis no to ring if I attempt anything.

Just cant cope with the thought of loosing my house aswell.

Claire X

23-02-10, 18:59
Hi hun

Look you give your crisis team a call to start with and they can talk through what you need to to next.

Please seek some advice!
