View Full Version : diazepam dependence

23-02-10, 18:24
I am getting really worried now, been on 5mg diazepam three times a day and my doc says i have to wait for cpn to visit to adjust meds, but I can feel I am getting used to it and needing it every 3 to 4 hours rather than six hourly. Has anyone withdrawn from it safely after two weeks. I want to come off it as I don't want to get hooked on it. The 80mg of propranolol is keeping my bp at bay but I don't understand why my doctor is not putting me on something different i.e. prozac or seroxat which I have been on before. Everyone I speak to says I need to get off it, but every time I try to reduce the dose by half, my bp rises and I feel scared and out of control feelings. Can anyone advise who has been on this before.

Regards, flossy

23-02-10, 18:25
Hi Flossy69

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

23-02-10, 18:57
after 2 weeks no problem comming off i came off 30 mg a day i took for 2 years had no bad effect

23-02-10, 19:34
I was on it too, and what I started doing was halving a table, was on 2mg. Could you possibly try that?

23-02-10, 19:38
Oops sorry I just re-read your post, you have tried reducing it, do you mean your blood pressure goes up? Or you feel more anxious?

24-02-10, 18:43
Hi Kate, thanks for your reply. I think I get highly anxious as my head goes tight, then I get an upset stomach and my blood pressure rises, its like a constant battle.

Flossy x

24-02-10, 22:42
Hi Floss, do you mean that your blood pressure actually rises on a machine? or you anxiety gets heightened

24-02-10, 22:50
Hi Kate, yes I can just tell it goes up, as I had pre eclampsia when I had my two children years ago, so I have my own machine to check it. The propranolol seeems to be keeping it low but as soon as I try reducing my diazepan it goes up.

flossy xx