View Full Version : Tired All The Time

05-01-06, 22:21
Hi Guys
I've been on 10mg Lexapro (Cipralex)+ Diaz for 4 mths now and alls been fine but over the last coupla weeks I've been tired all the time even though I sleep well.
Any ideas?

Don't believe everything you think.

05-01-06, 22:32

I too am on 10mg cipralex and even before i went on them for the past 20 months or so i have been feeling tired all the time everyday no matter how little or much sleep i have, i could sleep 8-10 hours a night for a week but i would not feel any different at all it never goes away i have tried lots of things to fight this tiredness but upto now nothing has worked.

05-01-06, 22:49

You will be surprised how much exercise will help with this.

Even though you are tired it will really help to get some exercise and may help the energy levels.


05-01-06, 22:55
Thanks Guys
I must admit I've given up exercise due to work commitments and am nowhere near as fit as I was as I have a desk job

Don't believe everything you think.

06-01-06, 02:28
i am always tired at the moment, that is because my sleeping pattern is strange,
but thinking about it i do take my citlapram at night, maybe thats the trigger?

06-01-06, 03:18
I was told to take mine in the morning and I sleep 7 hrs/night

Don't believe everything you think.