View Full Version : Reassurance?

23-02-10, 21:19
hi im new this is my first post!

basically suffered with anxiety since an incident taking drugs when i was 14, fortunately it changed me for the best but i now have constant anxiety more so health anxiety.

i never took much help as i was told i wasnt seriously iill or dying at the time it was just panic attacks and with the help of my mum i just got back on track and soldiered on.

nearly 4 weeks ago i was punched in the face causing a cut under my eye brow and a black eye, i was seen to by an ambulance team who said i was ok and dressed the wound. i was fine although a bit shaken

the next day was fine until the evening, when i started to feel panicky so came home to bed as was late and hungover so thought a good sleep would be the answer.

the next day woke up not feeling panicky but strangely dizzy and had a dark spot in my left eye only when i looked left of blinked etc (hard to explain)
i was convinced there was something wrong with my eye so booked into the doctor on the following monday

doctor checked me over and said other than being extrememly panicky at the time that i seemed ok and my eyes looked fine as far he could tell but said i should see an optician

two days later went to the optician who said my eyes were fine :doh:

then started to believe that some damage was done from the punch so went to A and E explained panic anxiety to the doc there and he said seemed ok did a balance test explained that it wouldnt be likely to have brain bleeding etc and if anything would be a minor concussion damage to nerve endingetc and would heal itself over time again nothing to worry about :doh:

back to the doctors after dizziness still not easing up even though anxiety goes from severe to non existant sometimes, was given tablets for labrynthitus which not really had any noticeable effect??

back again monday last week for more tablets and now a nasal steroid spray for suspected sinusitus..

nothing i have taken seems to have done anything.. i have felt better at times after being reassured or when i feel less anxious but at point do i feel this strange vision feeling has disappeared, late at night and when lay in bed also sometimes when driving at night feels better. it hasnt got worse but hasnt showed any signs of clearing. i feel i need to rest and no go out in daylight as this is what makes me feel worse..begging to piss off my boss at work with nearly a month off and not only that but im now extremely skint..things that arent going to help anxiety

apologies for the long post!!!!

thanks for listening:)

Veronica H
23-02-10, 23:18
:welcome:Welcome jonnyf. The dizziness and visual disturbance could well be anxiety and you seem to have been checked out for more serious damage. It must have been traumatic being hit like that.There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES published by Thorsens ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough. This will get better.

Here is a link to her site;



23-02-10, 23:20
first of all (((hugs)))

just wanted to let you know i often get the horrible dizzy feeling i assume is because of anxiety and it freaks me out and lakes me panic even more :( x

23-02-10, 23:41
thankyou to you for your replies!

the doctor also suggested for me to go on a short course of benzodiazepam?
is this recommended? i was a bit unsure :shrug:

23-02-10, 23:46

I'm jealous of your diagnoses of both labyrinthitis and sinusitis cos that's what I think I've had for the past 2 and a half months but doc told me it's all anxiety-which it bl***y well isn't, I'm sure of it!!!

It may well be to do with your neck or jaw perhaps!?!? Seeing as you received a smack in the face. Neck problems can cause dizziness. It may be worth a visit to a chiropractor?


23-02-10, 23:50
Jonny,welcome :) being physically ill and worrying about being ill are very much linked. As soon as you stop worrying so much about it, you will get better much more quickly. I know it's easier said than done, and I'm guilty of not taking this advice practically every time, but if you can, distract yourself and don't think so much about it.

In the meantime, take what the docs give you. You've got to give it some time before you can say for sure it's not working.

Best of luck, let us know how it goes x

23-02-10, 23:53
hmm i was thinking that about my jaw. i have are far set back lower jaw when i clench my teeth the is around a 1cm gap between lower and upper fron teeth because this looks odd i have kinda learnt to always push my lower jaw forward.. i only really notice issue when its cold outside when i get pains in my jaw muscles.. it all seems very strange as it happened a day after i was attacked sort of a 24 hour delay of feeling ok then boom! :)

24-02-10, 00:10
hmm i was thinking that about my jaw. i have are far set back lower jaw when i clench my teeth the is around a 1cm gap between lower and upper fron teeth because this looks odd i have kinda learnt to always push my lower jaw forward.. i only really notice issue when its cold outside when i get pains in my jaw muscles.. it all seems very strange as it happened a day after i was attacked sort of a 24 hour delay of feeling ok then boom! :)

That would be putting constant strain on your jaw and as you can imagine it would have a knock on affect on the rest of your head and neck, causing tension.

Just for an example how one part of your skeleton can affect another...I went to the chiropractor recently because I had lower back pain, when I was there I mentioned I'd been grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw at night, the Chiro's eyes lit up n he said that teeth grinding can be a sign that your pelvis is out of place!!!!!! And it was!!!

Two parts of the body very far apart, but makes you realise that they're all connected via the spine, so makes sense really.

Sorry if I'm going off subject here but I think maybe we forget about our skeletal structure and how that affect our muscles and nerves.


24-02-10, 00:54
really! thats interesting to know! i shall definately look into seeing a chiro then see if that help, i see no harm in doing things as chiro or physio as you might not need it but they are all specialists in the own field so just one session can give you abit of extra knowledge and reassurance.

cheers guys some great advice and reassurance, what an excellent forum!