View Full Version : Please help!!

Sally S
23-02-10, 21:39
Dear All:

I have been on 40mg for three years, the past two years have been brilliant on them. I forgot to get my repeat prescription, and went for four days without. I have now got my prescription and have taken two doses now over two days, but I am an absolute mess, just like I was three years ago; severe panic, sickness, total despair; please can someone tell me these will go soon???? xxxxx

23-02-10, 21:44
Oh Sally, sorry to hear that. Things will improve my sweet, but in the meantime try the usual relaxation, no alcohol, lots of water, try and get out for walks. Sounds easier said than done eh? If you really feel awful go to the docs and ask for something to help you get over the next couple of weeks. The doc may give you diazepam or something like that?

Let me know how you get on.

Emma x

23-02-10, 21:51
Sorry to hear this. Afraid you have to go through a few withdrawals hun but it will pass. You sorted it quickly so thats good.

23-02-10, 21:52
Hi Sally, the effects of missing four days of medication is taking its toll on you...now you have started back with the meds the side effects should quickly disappear, poor you. Try to ensure that you take your medications regulary to avoid this happening in the future. I am sure in a day or so you will begin to feel o.k again. Let us know how you go. Good luck hope you feel better soon. JO.

Sally S
23-02-10, 21:59
Thank you so much for your quick replies; it means a lot. I am just really scared that they aren't going to work again; I am so angry at myself for forgetting my prescription!! WIll they have totally left my body so I am starting from scratch?

23-02-10, 22:02
Hi Sally, please dont worry, no they definately will not of completely left your body and you wont be starting from scratch. You watch in a day or two you will be feeling good again, just give it time and try not to think about it too much. You will be fine hun. Jo.xx

23-02-10, 22:02
Let me know how you go....Jo.xx

Sally S
23-02-10, 22:09
Jo thanks so much for your kind words xx

23-02-10, 23:43
Sally Cit has a half life of 36hrs ..so there was still a small ammount in your system after 5 days .Your dose will take a while to get stable but it will settle down .It wasnt all out of your system so thats a good thing ...Take each day as a step nearer to feeling well again .It wont be as bad as at the start ..Take care and im sure you will feel better soon ..LUV sue x:hugs:

24-02-10, 10:25
Hi. How are you 2day?

Sally S
25-02-10, 12:04
Well a really crappy today yesterday; they seem to be getting worse, but I took a Lorazepam (not keen on doing that) and I felt a lot better. Obviously don't want to have to continue to do that but it makes me feel less desperate. I can't work out whether my feelings are still withdrawal or side effects from going back on the tablets? What do you think? xxx

25-02-10, 13:47
Hi Sally, sorry to hear you had an awful day yesterday hun, think you may be experiencing a bit of both but dont worry I am sure it will settle pretty quickly. Dont feel guilty about taking the Lorazepam either whilst feeling like that. It's better to take it and feel better than go through the crap. It's only temporary anyhow, until the citalopram settles back into your system then you wont need it any more. Send you big hug...you will settle again..you'll see. Let me know how you go. Jo.xx