View Full Version : So anxious, need a bit of support.

24-02-10, 09:29
I havn't posted or been much help to others for the last while. I keep going to reply to posts then feel that what I have to say is not much help as a lot of replies are so full of wise words and much more insightful than anything I can come up with.
I feel bad asking for help since I'm not contributing much but...I'm feeling really anxious. It never goes away but is worse just now as I'm going to Majorca with my sister at the weekend to visit my niece. I just don't kniow how I am going to do it. All the travelling and being away from home for over a week....I so wish I could look forward to it and enjoy it like "normal" people. I feel my anxiety/panic is swallowing me up at the moment. It's never ending. I don't take meds which I know a lot of people will say is silly but I have tried a couple and really couldn't handle the side effects.
Any kind words will be much appreciated.

24-02-10, 09:38
Hi Judy. Don't feel guilty about asking for help, thats what we are here for!!
I think you need a plan, to help you get through the holiday (and enjoy it!). What coping straigies do you use to get through your anxiety? I use various distraction methods such as reading, listening to music, watching a movie, knitting, making a necklace, writing, etc.. I also have some methods to cope with a panic attack, such as abdominal breathing, distraction, writing, talking about the problem, reading through reassuring material.. What I really think you should do is make a panic kit. Put in it your book, knitting, mp3 player, rescue remedy, bottled water, any anxiety books you have and things like that. Also you should take a little notebook, and inside the front write down your anxiety management strategy. This should include things such as: 1) abdominal breathing 2)self help talk such as its no big deal, done it many times before etc.. What I did in mine is print out all the things from the articles on the left of the page on panics and stuff and take it with me, so whenever i was anxious i could read through it..

Hope this helped!! xxxx

24-02-10, 09:39

just wanted to give you a hug:hugs:, i know how you feel, i am having a horrible time right now, my anxiety levels are sky high, and i feel so sad and panicky and like you just want to feel' normal' i hesitated wether to reply as i feel i dont really have a lot to say but just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.

P x

24-02-10, 09:44
Hi Judy, I am sure that any words of encouragement you have would help so please dont be put off replying to posts, its often just what someone needs. I have only been a member for a couple of weeks and this forum has helped me so much. Just to actually get some communication from someone else is really nice.
I always feel anxious when i am due to go away. I get like it before hand then am o.k when I get there and then I get like it again when I am due to come home.
You say you have tried meds...have you tried diazepam?? A small amount of that would help you. You will probably settle when you get there, at the moment you are probably anxious about being away etc. For some reason some of us just react to change and start getting anxious, seems daft doesn't it?? You are not alone hun, I know exactly how you feel. I hope you enjoy it when you get there. Good luck. Let us know how it goes. Jo.xx

24-02-10, 09:46
Hi Judy,

Have you tried Rescue Remedy, I find it really helps when I feel extra anxious. I used it when I went to America for my brothers wedding.
Don't worry about all that you are worrying about - none of it is worth worrying about!! Try and embrace going away and try and enjoy it. Just think that this time next week you will be thinking of coming home.

24-02-10, 10:18
Thank you so much for your quick replies BabyRachel, Pollyanna, JT69 and Zojo. Lots of good ideas there BabyRachel, I will try some of them. Pollyanna, it's nice just to have your support I'm glad you did reply. JT69 I do have some diazepam but am scared to take it!!! Zojo, I have rescue remedy and am never sure whether I think it helps or not but will be clutching it in my hand anyway!! You're right the whole week will be over before I know it and my sensible side tells me there's nothing to worry about, it's just that as I'm sure you all know the anxious/panicky side of you seems to blot out all sense.
Thank you all again. It's so nice to be able to talk to people who understand. I never talk about it at home now as hubbie is fed up with me being like this and doesn't know what to do any more.

24-02-10, 10:30
hi my friend i am like you scared of comming holidays leaving my surroundings .but i am sure both of us will be fine once we are on way ,,, its the lead up that causes it one thing take a dimazipem just beforeyou set off it will steady your nerves no bad side effects dont wory i take them they do help a lot ,, hope you have a great time love maggiexxxx

24-02-10, 13:34
hello mojo, dont feel wrong about posting, your own reply could be more valued than you might think. Someone's small comment can be just as helpful!
I know how you feel, I've avoided holidays for the same reason, wouldn't want to go because a week or two is not enough time to feel comfortable in a new place...
But hey it's a different place, nobody knows you their except those you're going with, nobody over there will ever see you again so you cant get embarresed or anything, try have a good time. Oh ...dont stop posting! :)

24-02-10, 14:21
Thanks for your words of support Maggie and NotResponding. It's really good to get replies when you're struggling. I will definately try and post replies a bit more to others.
I made the mistake of telling other half I was a bit anxious about going away and he just yelled at me "what the hell are you going for then if you're that worried? You need to just get yourself out of this!" That was really helpful wasn't it?! Boosted my confidence no end...not!

24-02-10, 17:03
My wife got me Bach Flower remedies. I find they work quite well.

25-02-10, 16:55
hay big (((((((((((((((hug))))))))))))))):hugs:i dread the family hols,but find im ok after a couple of days few wobbles,it might be just the tonic you need..

take each day as it comes,its so hard when your anx is on red alert,coping with that is stressful enough.

hope everthing is ok

love skyxx:flowers: