View Full Version : here we go again need help

24-02-10, 09:47

this is the first time i have posted on these boards. i used these boards to help me through my panic attacks in the uk 2 years ago but never posted. It was really helpful in getting me through the problems and i made a recovery and got off citolapram just before we moved. i moved to kenya 8 months ago and was loving my life when 10 days ago i had a panic attack.i controlled it using the methods i had learnt but since then have had really weird feelings i did not get last time. i started my citolapram 20mg that the doc gave me before i left again but this time i seem to be geeting worse side effects. I feel fine if i stay in bed all day but when i get up and about i start getting strange feelings inside me running all up my body. i also feel on edge a lot and sometimes get feelings of wanting to bite my tongue or hit myself. I also feel like im not in my body a lot but remember that from last time. When i was in the uk i had an amazing doc who was very suppotive but it is very difficult here in Kenya. i also keep worrying that it is something else although im sure in my rational mind it isnt.

Help please!

24-02-10, 09:58
Dont panic, the positive is at least you have managed to control the attacks! The feelings that come after are horrible and it sounds like everything just feels extra heightened. Do you have a doctor at all out there?

24-02-10, 10:01
no which is a real shame. it is a different way out here and you generally go to the hospital if you are ill which is not what i want to do, hence the reason my gp in the uk prescribed me 6 months worth of tablets to bring just in case it reoccured

24-02-10, 10:32
I can understand not wanting to go to hospital!! Have you been only taking the meds for the 10 days or less?? If so the side effects will be still hanging around, and probably because you feel anxious about the doctor situation, its those thoughts that are making you feel like you do. Keep thinking what your rational mind is thinking as that will help you get through this period again - as you have beaten it before!!

24-02-10, 10:44
very true zojo and thanks, i have only been taking them for 8 days and so know last time it took around 3 weeks to get rid of side effects. just didnt get these weird feelings last time. It was all about my breathing and dizzynes which seems to be ok at the moment. Im going to play football tomorrow for my team and see if that helps. last time i would spend around 45 mins of a match worrying about fainting and feeling ill then forget and be proud of myself for doing it and getting through it so i hope it will help me again!:unsure:

24-02-10, 10:54
Oh my - I know that feeling too!! I run and spend most of the time worrying about my heart!!
Good luck for your match - exercise is brilliant for the mind (even when the mind is worrying about our health!)
Don't worry either about the feelings being different to last time.

I have been on meds twice for health anxiety:
First time - worrying over heart (all symtoms heart related)
Second time - worrying over brain tumor (all symptoms - you guessed it!)
Good luck x :yesyes:

24-02-10, 11:01

You must be feeling quite isolated at the moment, its bad enough, when you have your doctor etc around, but leaving the country your use to aswell, is going to be stressful for people without any anxiety issues. Moving house in itself, is one of the biggest stress factors. Be gentle on yourself. you are aloud to feel a bit out of sorts with the move. Do you have anyone you can talk to there.

I do understand how your feeling, but give the tablets a bit of time to work and remember you have got through this before.

We are all here for you.


24-02-10, 12:39
Hi Emma,

only my wife, she understands and supports me but it is hard to be totally honest with her as she has her own problems to deal with.

I am sure i can do this but just need to believe in myself more. Im hoping once the meds start working fully and side effects wear off i will be able to get back to relative normality.

I have chilled out today in house and feel much better so will try to go back to work again tomorrow and see how it goes. Probably not in the best profession with this problem but hey ho.:unsure: