View Full Version : Feels like a bruise?

24-02-10, 09:54
Ok so i woke this morning and felt fine. Come down stairs to make myself a brew and open my cards cause its my 24th birthday haha and had this feeling at the back of my head. It feels like iv banged my head or its bruised but when i touch it, its not painful. When im sat down it feels fine but as soon as i get up it hurts again like a bruise. Does this make sense? Is this anxciety? Thanks guys x

24-02-10, 09:56
I tell a lie. Iv just touched the top of my neck and then i got the pain in my head. Definatley feels like its been whacked and bruised. Soo strange as i havent hit my head. But iv had a bad neck for nearly 3 weeks. Ouucchh is so sore. What the hell is it?

24-02-10, 11:55
Happy birthday Sammie

Ive had this befor and always get neck and back tension. Probably due to that, try and enjoy your birthday.


24-02-10, 13:05
Thanks Emma x