View Full Version : Tooth extraction post pain :(

24-02-10, 10:41
hey all, i really need some advice or reasurrence or somethnin cos im going nuts. i had my tooth removed on saturday morning, and this is my 5th day and im still in pain. i went back to my dentist yesterday and she said that it was healing fine, and that it was a big tooth and it should settle down soon, i have no infection there as i was doing everything right, not smoking, ( still not had a fag since saturday ) rinsing with salt water, just being very careful. but oh my god it still hurts so much. the gum is still swollen and briused, the socket is still sore, the injection site is very tender still, and my jaw still hurts. everytime i move it starts to throb so much i have to sit back down again. after 5 days i thought i would start to feel better, but now im in jst as much pain as i was before i had the bloody thing out, least with the abcess it was drained and had anti biotics. i went private for this and paid £170 to have just the 1 tooth out, and thought i could get back to my normal self, cos this tooth has been causing so many problems for the past 3mths, its now making me very depressed, cos pain killers are not helping. im taking neurofen 3 times a day and paracetomol every 4 hours, i can't take anything stronger as im allergic to codine. i just dont know why its hurting so much . any feed back would be grateful. x

Vanilla Sky
24-02-10, 11:16
It's nerve pain hun, it's the worst kind of pain you can have i think ! You're better with the tooth out which is what you have done , you need to give the nerves time to settle down now , which can take up to 2 weeks. You have no infection and you are doing everything right. Give it another good few days and it should ease of, good luck Paige x

Rachel W
25-02-10, 02:41
I had a tooth pulled in November and it took a week or two to settle down as it is newly forming gum which will be tender. In three or so weeks, the hole will be closed over and the skin will start thickening and becoming more resilient. You will be fine.

25-02-10, 10:04
thanks for the replies, i went back to the dentist yesterday as i was crying in so much pain, turns out that i DO have dry socket, even tho i stuck to all the rules, and was being so careful. he put this stuff in the hole which tastes awful, and put me on antibiotics for 5 days. im still in pain but not as bad as yesterday, and my gum is still very swollen, its that feeling of it being so swollen that freaks me out, i feel like marlon brando from the godfarther!
im very tired, got no energy at all at the moment. im going away next thursday for the wk end i really hope i feel better by then. x

25-02-10, 10:46
i was just going to say, dry socket... and then seen your last post, my sister had this last year, and said it was very painful, but after she had treatment and antibiotics it went fairly quickly..


P x

25-02-10, 11:35
Hi had an extraction also, it took a month to stop the pain. Dentist said it was a devil of a tooth to get out.

Best painkillers are 2 brufen and 2 cocodemol you can have upto 6 brufen and 8 cocodemal, but take the four together - this was what was advised by the nurse at the emergency dentist place. It really does work.

But I dont know if you are on any other drugs, or the antibiotics so best to check with docs/dentist first.

Hope that helps