View Full Version : What's your day like?

24-02-10, 14:23
Didn't know where to put it, Misc seemed right, but I doubt many will see it all the way down here...we'll see

So NMP Members, what happens in your average day? Here's mine;

- Wake up between 8am and 12
- Drink tea...alot. edit; and smoke many roll ups
- Try to get on the net for five minutes, and fail
- Walk the dog, somedays
- Go out on bike occasionaly
- Drink more tea
- Watch TV in the evening, or try to get on the net (and fail)
- Go sleep (between 12 and 3am)

very exciting life indeed...:huh:

24-02-10, 14:43
My typical day is as follows:-

07.30 be woken up (against my will) by my three year old son singing 'wakey wakey its time to get up now'.
07.35 drag my sorry (and still half asleep) butt downstairs where we have breakast and I tidy the kitchen.
08.15 while my son watches television i have an hour on the laptop.
09.30 play with my son, maybe do some drawing, painting or get stuck into the play doh, play doctors etc...
11.00 My son and I take a bath.
11.45 We have lunch.
12.30 I take my son to nursery.

1pm I either go shopping or visit my mum
2pm I go home and have an hour tidyinground & maybe 15 minutes on laptop
3.15pm collect my son from nursery
3.30pm My son will sit at the table and spend some time on computer whle I make tea.
5.30pm onwards.. Other half in fromw work we have tea, stories, bedtime etcc
7pm My turn to go to work
11.15pm Return from work and it takes me until around 01.30 to wind down enough for sleep.

24-02-10, 15:06
Gr8 idea to post this.
7.00 hubby just left for work, I start to stir
7.30 alarm goes off 5 times
7.45 finally get up n go downstairs, eat breakfast while daughter watches TV (she has already got up b4 me)
8.10 we both wash n get dressed
8.30 make daughters breakfast n she eats while I do packed lunch
8.45 take daughter to school
9.00 spend 2 hrs at gym, swimming, or pilates (not the last 12 days!), very lucky I can do this I know!
11.00 housework n no more panic, cook dinner for later, more housewife duties (boring!)
12.00 lunch, watch Loose Women whilst on internet
1.30 more house stuff, listen to Doctors and Murder She Wrote while I do it
3.30 pick daughter up from school
3.40 house stuff, feed daughter and I, play with her, entertain her, may stay in, may go out somewhere
7.00 Dad home from work, feed him n Lucy n I snack, clear up after dinner
7.30 Bath n bed for daughter
7.45 hubby n I sit n watch tv or go on computers til bedtime
11.00 bedtime

25-02-10, 03:33
great idea, here goes, though everyday is different for me, heres one of them.

5 am wake up, lye in bed, trying to get back to sleep as its too early.
5.30 am still wakened, pick up ds and play game, eventually I get tired, go for a sleep.
7.30 am wake up again, get up and make sure that my teenage kids are up, some are up and ready to leave for school, college. When my kids leave, I get ready for the rest of the day.
9.00 am, leave house, get the bus into town, go to meeting for Renfrewshire Women's Association. meeting finishes at 11.00 am.
11.30am go for early lunch.
1.00pm go for my counselling appointment.
2.00 pm go shopping get the weekly food in.
5.00 pm go home with shopping, I like to take my time, takes 30 mins to get to Asda by bus, and get a taxi when shopping finished.
6.30 pm get taxi to rehearsals at church.
9.00 pm get lift home.
9.30 pm at home, go online, no more panic, emal, facebook, bebo, update website, check email for Renfrewhsire Women's Association. go on some games site to help keep me occupied.
as soon as I'm tired I switch off my computer, then I go to my bed.

25-02-10, 21:06
Ok here goes.

Alarm goes off at 7.15 and again at 7.30 depending on how much sleep I achieved depends on the struggle of waking.

8.am at the latest in the week, 7.20 at weekends into the bathroom for a shower or bath depending on what time I dragged myself out of bed, to fully wake me

8.20 get dressed and ready for work, weekends need to be at work for 8am

8am or 9am go to work.depending on where I am, face the day exuding a self confidence that I don't posess; keep myself too busy to think about any other issues.

5-6 pm get home

6pm phone my granma to check she is ok

After that wash up, cook dinner do housework until I am too tired to think; then go to bed and hope to sleep

Except for the days where I volunteer to go to work in the evenings which is of course after washing up and cooking dinner for everyone, then I get home anywhere between 2-4am depending, go to sleep, then start the next day anew.

Although there are days where I just can't face it any more and then I come here in the evenings for support and to retain my sanity.

Thank god for NMP


25-02-10, 21:27
lol okay here goes

anywhere between 6 and 7am get up ...struggling
7-7.30am rush round like maniac getting ready for work, whilst dog and cat under feet and trying to get daughter to rush a little too...hard work!
7.30am leave for work...knowing we are gonna be stuck in traffic the whole route, manage to get in at least 5 ciggies.
8.15am get to work make coffee and get logged in.......
8.30am start work
11.40am finally more nicotine and coffee break time
12pm back to desk
2.30pm home time ...yeay lets get caught in school traffic...
3.30pm get home put kettle on ...
start to potter round on good day... feel sorry for myself and sulk on bad... not been to gym for ages.
5.45pm daughter home from work... chat for a bit and start tea..
anywhere between 6.00 and 9.30pm He leaves for work....
from then on...sit, study, go on NMP, chuck loads of washing in... have bath and wash hair .... internet..not doing much...more pottering more internet...sometimes bake, sometimes do puzzle books...tired but not sleeping so can stay up til small hours ...and the struggle starts again...

Will get better though and had it not rained so hard would have started training tonight... instead ate kebab and 2 x 2 dime or daim bars ...mmmmm yummy... no tv not a tv lover but may listen to music...

25-02-10, 21:35
cool i like this post....
9am-12pm wake up lay in bed for half hour not wanting to move
9am-12pm Check the post and freak out at the fact my benefits have been messed up again, feed my cats, clean part of the kitchen and bathroom,drink tea and smoke as many roll ups as possible while logging on to my ps3 account and checking my facebook on the laptop.
1-2pm wake my partner up as hes going to become part of the bed if he doesn't get out of it.
3-4pm drink more tea make lunch for myself and partner, job search and get depressed.
4pm attempt to make phone calls to potential employers and benefits people and fail because i freak out but carry on later.
5pm Facebook and smoking,
6pm Cook dinner, do the dishes, any cleaning, clothes washing, make bed, more cleaning, feed cats again, more cleaning the flat, take my pills, facebook
8pm start to feel really sick and depressed because ive been stuck in the flat all day, sleepy from the pills and alone because my partner has gone to see his family which i struggle to do.
9pm - 3am sit on facebook, ps3 and watch tv, read my book.
3.30am Sleep if possible if not ill sit and read all night :)

25-02-10, 22:06
[QUOTE=DirtyMouse;623334] Check the post and freak out at the fact my benefits have been messed up again, feed my cats, clean part of the kitchen and bathroom,drink tea and smoke as many roll ups as possible while logging on to my ps3 account and checking my facebook on the laptop.
My life would be complete if i could log on to a ps3 account, but i do smoke as many rollups as possible /with tea haha!
I go on my brothers 360 somtimes but most days he's on t 24/7
^^^well kids seems to use a hell of lot of time if you have them...I still think this; having kids is like having a full time job unpaid. i dont mean that politically, just as in a saying not serious...im 2 drunk atm :D

25-02-10, 22:17
Hi dirty mouse,

I see you are job searching; have you thought about voluntary work in the mean time for you and your partner; looks better on a CV and helps to fill your day with something that gives you a positive feeling.


26-02-10, 04:47
Ok I'm a late sleeper so no laughing at my time frame!!

9:00am - wake up and have to pee!! "Can I wait another hour?", I ask myself...... "YES I think I can!", so it's back to sleep.

10:00am - Wake up, bladder is gonna burst! So I climb out of bed, do what I must, make breakfast, and let the dog out.

11:00am - Surf the net which is facebook and here! My surfing area is rather confined :)

Noon - Have lunch and check out jobs online.

1:00 - 3:00pm- exercise and talk on the phone while cleaning up the house a bit and starting laundry.

4:00-5:30pm - plan and cook dinner

5:30pm - Jer and Megan get home and I throw food at them!

7:00-8:00pm - watch TV with Jer and Megan.

8:00pm- turn the TV up cuz Jer is snoring like a buzz saw on the couch!
He actually gets up at 4am! That's EARLY!!!

10:00 - House is quiet. I raid the fridge (usually a yogurt or apple as I'm on a strict diet) and play games on the internet.

I usually end up in bed around 2 am.

Dang I need a real life!!!