View Full Version : So worried...Question

24-02-10, 15:16
I had to write this because I am going mad with worry.
I have problems with a kidney but nothing serious. I see my gp regularly who is very good and puts my mind at ease. He knows how I am with anxiety.
I had 6 different blood tests done checking liver, kidney, something to do with my bones, hormones and anemia and something else that I can't remember - maybe thyroid.
They were done last Thursday and yesterday the gps surgery rang (apparently they have been trying to get hold of me) and said the tests were 'abnormal' and that I have to go to see the gp. I rang back today and they have got me in within next couple of hours. That was their decision for today - not mine.
I am so scared. I can't stop panicking. My anxiety has gone through and off the roof.
I keep thinking that it is going to be cancer. Anything else I can deal with.
I am still young...ish.
I know I am not going to be able to keep it together in the surgery. I can't stop panicking and crying. I just know it is going to be really bad news.
My partner is finishing work early to go with me thankfully as I wouldn't be able to go on my own, not with agoraphobia.
I feel so sick with worry.
It is a bad sign isn't it when the gp wants you in the same day because blood tests are abnormal???

24-02-10, 15:20
Please try not to panic. I know its very difficult though. Hopefully its nothing serious and you will be fine. Its good someone is going with you as you will have some support.

Please let us know how you get on. Will be thinking of you.


24-02-10, 15:28
try to stay calm .. your docter will want to dicuss results the mai thing they talk to you aboutis tyroid witch can be treated with tabs plese et me know love xx

24-02-10, 15:31
It's easy to say, and very hard to do, I know, but try not to worry too much, I am sure that the diagnosis you are giving yourself is well wide of the mark, and it could be lots of other things that need immediate attention. You think they may have done a thyroid test, well, it could be that. The same situation happened in our family, to my niece. She was called back immediately her blood results came back to the GP. She was beside herself with worry, as you are now. Turned out it was her thyroid hormone that was very high and they needed to get her on thyroxine asap. She is as right as rain now, has to stay on thyroxine for life, but she doesn't mind. Some things require urgent attention because they affect your day to day life, so just be as brave and calm as you can, and let us know how you get on later. All the best.

24-02-10, 15:57
Hello Poppy,

I can understand your concern, and I do feel for you, because I am sure I would be worried too; it is the way we are - our minds run away with all sorts of dreadful scenarios. Please do remember blood tests pick up all sorts of 'abnormalities' which are not life threatening in any way - they just need to be checked. Your doctor knows you suffer from anxiety, and it could be he feels the sooner he can see you to discuss and reassure the better. Thinking about you, and please let us know how you get on. :hugs:

andrea thompson
24-02-10, 16:05

i had a similar situation with blod results recently and like you i was absolutly convinced that something awful was coming... but it was perfectly simple problem ... turned out i needed some iron tablets... so please dont worry... if you are like me you will have worried about every little thing in the past and i bet they mostly turned out to be nothing... so please dont worry... the dr probably just had a space this afternoon that needed filling and slotted you straight in... my drs do that....

take care

andrea x x

24-02-10, 17:56
The doctor rang me the day after my blood test because my iron was low. I gotta say, I had a sick feeling when my daughter answered the phone and said "Mummy, its the Doctor for you".Argh!

My sister after her blood test had a message on her answer phone saying the results were back from the blood test and she needed to see the doctor straight away, no explanation! She was beside herself and didn't sleep that night. Turned out she had a thyroid problem. Its a shame they can't tell you over the phone.

I know you will worry but try and occupy yourself tonight rather than sit and think. Worst thing you can do is sit and think. We will all be thinking of you tomorrow.

24-02-10, 18:04

if your dr is very good, perhaps that they bookeed you in today, because they happened to have a slot available, or they were thinking that knowing you well , your anxiety would be very high, and were trying to be helpful.

at least your appointment will be soon, and you will know more of what is going on.

will be thinking about you, please let us know how you got on.

P x :hugs:

24-02-10, 18:31
Hi Poppy
This is slightly off topic- but I am SOOOOO glad you're back !

This happened to me after a pap smear and I flipped out- turns out it was "insufficient to test" as in the Dr. made an error ! She had me back in immediately to be re-tested.

I was convinced I had invasive cancer and I had to be tested quickyl because I was going to die quickly ! Lokking back at this incident , I can see how my anxiety manipulated me into a total freak-out- but it was nothing.

My GP sheepishly admitted that most times tests have to be repeated it is because of Dr. or lab error and has nothing to do with the patient.

You're in good situation -you're going in to be tested. For me the worst part is trying to evaluate whether or not I should bother my GP, if it is serious, if I'd be able to make it out of my house, if I could drive etc.

I'll be thinking of you hun- let us know how it goes.


26-02-10, 13:02
Thanks for all kind replies.
Bluebelle - I can totally understand how you felt - Thank You for saying welcome back!
Went to see the gp. I was so anxious and shaking like mad before I went in to see him. I really thought he was going to tell me that cancer cells had been found. I told my partner that I knew I was going to die and that all my fear of death thoughts were because my body was telling me something!
I was practically crying waiting for him to tell me something serious. I felt sick. I think I was about to have a panic attack. I told the gp that I knew all my aches and pains meant something serious was wrong!!! He smiled about it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway all I got called in straight away was to tell me I have pernicious anemia! I knew I was anaemic, but not pernicious, but compared to other things it could have been, its nothing in comparison. I was a bit annoyed that I got rushed in to tell me that!
My mum and grandma both had that so maybe it runs in the family. I know that very low B12 affects the nervous system - maybe after I have had the injections I will feel better?
I was so stressed that it took me hours to calm down afterwards.
I was a bit miffed because I felt I could have been told that over the phone. Maybe they took it seriously cos I have a kidney disorder. Not sure.
My partner had to finish work early as well to take me to the surgery.
I now have to go to see a haemotologist at the hospital, when I get my appt through, to have an injection for B12 and may have to have one every 3 months and to look for reasons why I have such low B12. I know the injections are deep muscle ones - I am dreading that!
Has anyone had these injections?
Thankfully it was nothing bad. I don't know how people cope with bad news about their health.

26-02-10, 13:14
Hi Poppy,

Im so pleased you had a good outcome compared to what you were thinking. I do understand, how you felt before you went. I would of been the same.

Emma x

26-02-10, 13:53
Hi Poppy,

so glad that the results werent as bad as you had feared, i get myself into a terrible state just going for the blood results without having beem called in about them, i can imaginre what an awful time you have been through waiting to go, you must be exhausted.
At least you now know what you are dealing with, and will be able to get on with the treatment.

treat yourself and be kind to yourself today and over the weekend, you deserve it.


P x :flowers: