View Full Version : Someone please respond :(

24-02-10, 15:33
I posted earlier but didnt get much response :( Was wondering if anyone has experienced a coin sized pain in the back of your head? Feels like its been banged but hasnt.. Feels like its bruised and just throbbing.. Keep having a fuzzy head every now and then today to. Soo scared.. Whenever i lean my neck backwards it hurts like i sed just like iv banged it or something. Please help am going crazy x

andrea thompson
24-02-10, 15:54
hiya hon

please try not to worry... we all get weird pains and sensations and i am sure its nothing to worry about... why not give your g.p. a ring for advice or nhs direct i am sure one of them will help you!!!!!

take care

andrea x x

24-02-10, 15:56
it could be cold in your head or even a wisdom tooth pain wonders ,,try to stay calm

24-02-10, 16:22
I can tell you that it is part of a tension headache. I have had them for a while and know exactly what you are saying. I get mine on the right side behind my ear area and it feels like a bruise but a very painful one. Try putting a bag of ice on it and rolling your shoulders out, it works for me most of the time. Good luck.