View Full Version : People with Palps, how do you work

24-02-10, 16:20
Have to ask my fellow palp sufferers, how do you get through a day's work?

I have a meeting tomorrow and dread it. How can I get through it, having to sit still and listen with these terrible palps thudding away?

24-02-10, 17:21
I know what you mean, I try and take I one hour at a time I know that's not great advice on the surface of it but it is something I focus on. Every hour I take 5 mins to myself. I also always keep believing that I can overcome this bloody thing!!


andrea thompson
24-02-10, 17:40
hiya hon

i dont often get palps but get dizzy and cant focus and all the other stuff that goes with panic so can sympethise with you... i am tutor and i worry most days if i will get through without breaking down infront of everyone... the good news is most days i do... i think i just tell myself that if i need to get out i can... another thing i have done is confided in a couple f people at work about my issues and i feel safer knowing that they know the score.... i am reassured that if i was to have a panic attack then they know whats happening and they know how to support me... i think the one thing that keeps me going is the fact that i dont want to give in... i want to be good at my job and i sort of tell myself that if i cant do this then the anxiety has won... what will i give up next.... i also constantly remind myself that i have fealt this shit a thousand times before and i have always got through it.... wow i sound like such a fighter i am not really i am a bg softie...

i hope this helps...

take care and good luck.... x x

24-02-10, 18:00
Tell myself over and over (in my head lol) that they are nothing to be concerned about, I've had them loads and loads of times before and they've not done anything bad to me..... basically, try and harness the power of positive thought.

24-02-10, 19:22
Hi, I suffer from palps and quite often when they have kicked off in work I have wanted to go home to my bed or phone in sick the next day but I dont, I keep saying they wont get the better of me, and sometimes I go through periods of time when they are not to bad and other times they go mental, I do try and do the calm breathing and also cold water is meant to help..I also get warm easy at work so I have a fan on my desk....and off course sometimes its when you feel you are sitting calm at work that they do start, they are a nightmare however try and stay positive :-) x x

24-02-10, 19:37

I completely understand your situation, you are by no means alone in experiencing this. The ways that I have found over the years to control palpitations are meditation and exercise but about a year ago, my doctor prescribed me propranolol (beta blockers). They are a blood pressure medication which can be taken as you need them and basically block the adrenaline receptors in the heart and therefore are very effective in preventing palpitations. I always try and look for natural solutions to life's problems but I have to say these have helped tremendously with the physical symptoms of anxiety and they are non-addictive. Hope this helps x

24-02-10, 20:06
Hey Typer,

I used to be in your situation. About 7 years ago I was having palps 24/7 but everyday I got up and went to work to a very stressful job, dealing with peoples money and somehow I managed to put a smile on my face and get thru the day. I don't really know how to be honest but I did.

Once I understood that they were harmless I just tried to ignore them. Very difficult I know.

Not sure what else to say but hang in there, it does get better. Btw, I went on Lexapro 10mg a day and the palps were gone in like 4 days and I have never had them since. I stopped the meds about 4 years ago.

Take care
Natalie x

25-02-10, 18:13
I work with them & they key is to keep active and busy> distraction really is the best key. I have recently started prozac to control my anxiety which is helping x

26-02-10, 12:44

I completely understand your situation, you are by no means alone in experiencing this. The ways that I have found over the years to control palpitations are meditation and exercise but about a year ago, my doctor prescribed me propranolol (beta blockers). They are a blood pressure medication which can be taken as you need them and basically block the adrenaline receptors in the heart and therefore are very effective in preventing palpitations. I always try and look for natural solutions to life's problems but I have to say these have helped tremendously with the physical symptoms of anxiety and they are non-addictive. Hope this helps x

I did try a beta blocker but they made me wheeze, even though I am not asthmatic - I do have a bit of a wheezy chest though.

Can I ask, do you take the beta block every day, or just when the palps are bad?

11-04-10, 13:19
Sorry to take so long with the reply!

You can take them as and when you please (when palps are bad or as a preventative if you think you will get bad palps)

I take them twice a day (morning and lunch) and they last for about 3 hrs or so, which avoids having palps at work!

11-04-10, 15:39
I'm on metoprolol which is a beta-blocker. I was taking 50 mg ER (a once a day dose), but my blood pressure got a little low, so am now taking 37.5 mg.
They do seem to help. But, I still get scared when I have to leave the house because I get nervous and get afraid I'll get the palpitations and end up in the Emergency Room like I have done a few times. They also think I may have had an SVT (or a PAT) - which is also not harmful, but very scary with a rapid pulse 150-160, but they are also treated with a beta-blocker.
I wish I could handle the SSRI's, but get panic attacks worse whenever I try to start them. I know a lot of that is my being scared of them. I now take Ativan prn.