View Full Version : Hi Newbie here - really need some advice

24-02-10, 16:29
Hi im new to this sight so i will apologise in advance if i dont make sense in anyway or i seem to ramble on..

I'm 24 & have been suffering with what my doctor says is anxiety for the past 10 months.
I have started CBT and so far it seems to help but then i have bad days and its like all my work i've done so far gets thrown out of the window.
Thats probably because deep down i really dont think this is anxiety and would like some advice on what others think.

Most days i feel like i am not here, i feel like i've had too much to drink and everything seems really dazed and dreamy and i feel like im on a boat, all wavy and off balance.
I have a constant dull pain at the bottom left side of my head which goes into my neck and sometimes i can feel it in my shoulder. my head feels like it is full of sand (sorry if that doesnt make sense) it feels so heavy and it feels like there is someone stood behind me forcing my head forwards, i get sensations in my head where it goes really tight and it feels like i have a rush of energy going through my body to my head.
I really feel like im about to pass out or have a seizure, my whole body feels like it is shaking, especialy my head it feels like it wants to wobble and shake all over and i feel as though im fighting hard for this not to happen.
sometimes i see little flickers on the corners of my eyes although this isnt every day.

Im so worried right now and i know i feel panicky because of how worried and ill i feel - but surely the way im feeling isnt anxiety?, surely there must be another problem?

I have had blood tests which are all ok and have now been referred to a neurologist which i demanded from my gp as i am not satisfied.
I have even been to the A&E several times and told them how bad my head feels and i feel like im building up to a seizure but they said there was nothing they could do, they thought it was anxiety and to go back to my gp - the A&E doctor wrote a letter to my gp and asked me to give it to her, i read it (probably not supposed to) and she just said requested my gp to manage my problem better, and requested her to carry out further tests if i was not satisfied.

I really feel like im ill and im so worried about this now, the feeling of nearly having a seizure or passing out is ruining my life - can anxiety make u feel like that? :(
Everyday i feel so emotional and really struggle to get out of bed i feel like im going mad- all i get from the gp's is anxiety but i've never heard of anxiety making your head feel so strange and like its shaking.
oh by the way, no one can see these shakes they are internal.

Sorry my post was so long, but i really need to get others advice regarding this, thank u so much for reading and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Keeley xx

24-02-10, 16:47
Does anyone think this could be MS as thats what im starting to beleive? hope u get chance to reply. :)

24-02-10, 17:11
I'm no doctor but i don't think it's MS, it certainly sounds like alot of tension, stress and anxiety.

Your post sounds similar to others i have read on here - it is so unbelievable that anxiety can cause these types of sensations but it is true.

Try your best to relax - as if it's that simple huh?

One thing that really made my symptoms continue was thinking and acting like i was really ill.

The chances of it being anxiety is massive - the chances of it being something else is very very small.

Don't give up and try your best to stay calm till you see the neuro - Gaz

andrea thompson
24-02-10, 17:30
hiya keelyt

you will get loads of good advice n here i am sure. its really helped me through some tough times.

heres a bit of reassurance for you.. about ten years ago i started having funny turns at work... at home... when out shopping... went to drs and had loads of tests and all clear... the dr asked could i be depressed... i didnt think so.... then as i started to look at my life and life style and my symptoms and how anxiety and depression and panic can make you feel and it was anxiety and depression. all the symptoms that you are describing can be caused by anxiety. if your dr has ruled out other illness then i would say thats probably what it is.. i started on anti depressents and then had counselling and gradually recovered from it... i was leading a normal healthy life. so there is light at the end of the tunnel. are you on any meds? by the way mine all started with a trip to a and e cos i thought i was dying!!!

read through the symptoms on here - i find it really helps you to make sense of whats going on and it reassures you that it is anxiety.

take care

andrea x x

Lou 1
24-02-10, 18:00
hi, ur symptoms sound so similar to mine and many other peoples that i've read all of which are related to anxiety. I know it's so hard to beleive what the doctors say because i have trouble doing that myself, but i'm sure if your doc or the a&e staff thought u had something seriously wrong or life threatening they would have tested straight away. I know how hard it is and if ur like me then the more i worry and panic, the worse my symptoms seen to be and i'm sure thats the case for many anxiety suffers. Take care hope u feel better soon x

24-02-10, 18:03
Hello Keely,

Anxiety can play all sorts of tricks with our mind, and it becomes increasingly difficult to determine what is real; I think that is the worst part, because the anxiety then starts to spiral, and it is hard to find reassurance or believe what the doctors tell us. Your doctor is Certain in his own mind there is Nothing physically wrong, but he does know you are suffering from anxiety, and it is good you are having cbt, because I am sure you will benefit from it. Try to hold on to some reassuring facts. Your blood test has come back perfectly clear, so there is nothing untoward going on there. Your trips to A & E haven't caused the medics to be concerned - they too are certain you are suffering from anxiety. Your doctor has referred you to a neurologist, only because he wants your mind to be put at ease. I do understand how fearful you are feeling, and you probably won't rest easy until you have seen the neurologist. Please do remember anxiety does cause all sorts of symptoms including the ones you have described. I hope you will feel less anxious soon. :hugs:

24-02-10, 20:31
Constant worrying makes yourself convinced you have a serious illness and might day anytime soon.

I just try to distract myself and worry in the right direction