View Full Version : Can this dizziness really just be 'in my head'?!?

24-02-10, 16:45
Hi all,

Anyone had this... iv felt dizzy for the last 3 days!! I just cant snap out of it.. i think iv got all these horrible illnesses but my family just tell me its in my head! Is this true.... can anxiety and panic really make u feel dizzy for 3 days? Its not all the time, just when i move and my eyes cant focus that well and my head just feel quite cloudy... its a weird sensation and not a good one!
Help and advice will be very appreciated from anyone, as im really going out of my mind with this.. been off work for the past 2 days and NEED to get in tomorrow.. bt i cant do anything whilst feeling like this!

Sorry for going on, Thankyou in advance xx

24-02-10, 17:18
ive been dizzy/lightheaded/cloudy/unsteady for just abt 2 months now. it sucks. Been to hospital twice...they said it was pure anxiety...i think it can cause this symptom..its juts hard to accept that such a scary symptom has no sinister underlying cause. hang in there...this can be a persistent feature of anx.

24-02-10, 17:57
I once had something like this for a few months, going back years now, but I recall it very clearly. Whenever I moved my head, particularly lent it backwards from vertical it felt like the whole world was spinning violently. I never fell over, never actually lost my balance, but it felt like I had been spun round and round ! Is this the sort of thing you are referring to ? Or is yours more light-headed ?

Mine was due to tension in the fine muscles around the eyes (the ones that hold the eyeball in place) and the temples, as your eyes have a good amount of responsibility for your balance (try standing on one leg with your eyes closed and you will find out how hard it is !) As long as my head was up straight the eye muscles were fine, leaning forward or backwards and they were clearly 'stretched' and giving crazy signals to my brain.