View Full Version : up and down

24-02-10, 20:31
hi not sure if iv posted this in the right thread,was not sure where to write this,..

iv suffered fron anx,panic attacks,depression,on and off for years,and have been having one to one cbt counselling,which iv found quite helpful enabling me to return to work after christmas and im still there.

but just lately my moods have been some what strange,im either not a care in the world not the person with anx,have lots of confidence (something im not known for) its as if im a new person,someones fiicked a switch.

then on the other end 2 days ago right down,hate myself,work,life,family,really strange,off work talking to no one...

then change again,happy,happy, can anyone shed any light perhaps just a off day,..
be greatful for any advise

love skyxx:flowers:

expecto patronum
24-02-10, 22:18
Hey, you sound like you are doing really well, maybe you just started doubting your recovery briefly and it made you feel bad for a couple of days?

25-02-10, 02:24
trust me, you are not alone. i was just going to talk about something similar. i guess it just happens. recovery is a process, it's up and down...nothing worth getting comes without struggle. allow yourself to have bad days, be easy on yourself and try to relax as much as possible--meditate, try to live "in the moment" during those times, and know that the icky feelings will pass like they always do. don't worry about "regressing" or whatever, stressing only makes it worse, so accept it instead --and know and believe that you are fine. :)

25-02-10, 11:00

I too have felt like that a lot, especially when I first got ill and starting recovery, I felt up and down a lot! Some days I thought I was fully recovered, and then suddenly I felt there was no point in anything and felt hopeless. These ups and downs do get better, I still have them a bit, but now it is almost a year on since I got ill, the ups and downs are much fewer! When you are feeling down, try to remember that it will pass and you will come out of it. Like Expecto said, it could also be that you suddenly start doubting your recovery which makes you go down again - I know that happened to me a lot.

Bye for now