View Full Version : Stinker of a day today

24-02-10, 20:54
One to forget for me.

Woke up feeling fine, but the day has been punctuated by bouts of chest tightness radiating to my neck, jaw and temples. A horrible constricting feeling. Guess what I diagnosed myself with when I googled this?

I have recently started doing push ups after basically doing no real chest exercises my whole life.

I HOPE I've strained my chest and neck muscles in such a way that is giving me angina symptoms, but my stupid mind can't shake the belief it's heart related.

Ive ended up getting some valium off the doc to relax me a bit, but it hasnt really worked. Nor has Ibuprofen.

The pain isnt strong enough to warrant a trip to the ER, so Im basically stuck with this horrible chest tightness and the EXTREME ANXIETY it brings with it.

Almost had a full blown panic attack earlier on.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

24-02-10, 21:36
Hi skippy,

real sorry to hear about the way your day as gone but take it from me when I first did chest excercise I nearly went straight to hospital, this was a few years ago and it was honestly horrible! It is prob nothing to worry about (as you well know) and plus when we are tense it is not unusual to have a tight chest and jaw. With all my chest anxiety the best thing I have done is start excercising, took mr a while to be confident with it but now it's much better. Like you say tomorrow is another day! Hope it's a good one


24-02-10, 23:19
I can totally sympathize! One day I was stretching my arms back really far and heard a pop in my chest. Next thing I know I was getting muscle spasms and was convinced I was dying. A quick and easy tip. If you can make urself hurt by moving your arm/neck/chest or whatever, you arn't having a heart attack. :)