View Full Version : What a week of medical tests!

24-02-10, 22:14
I am due to have a gastroscopy on Friday morning - I should have had it in summer but my heart rate was so high after making me wait for 3 hrs that they wouldn't do it so saw the consultant again and explained anxiety problem and he said I will get you in first thing in the morning with me personally doing the test and you won't have to wait at all - will still have to have the initial pulse and bp which is when my anxiety goes throug the roof and my heart races as they approach me with the machine - I am praying the sedation works as when I had a colonsocpy two years ago the sedation was negligible:weep:.

Then this week I had a review with my Dr for bad hip back and leg pain I have had for a month now and she decided she wanted to rule out hip problems so I had to have x ray of hips and pelvis and loads of blood tests to rule out any rheumatiod problem so all that today and they took alot of tries to get blood.

Then I had ent appt as follow up to one 6 months ago and was expecting to be in and out in minute but different Dr who said I want to look up your nose and sprayed local anaethesia into nostrila nd stuck a camera up it:shrug: it was quick but interesting sensation and said all was well.

I am so dreading friday and the camera down throat as I have had one 6 yrs ago and although the sedation was great I still remember gagging and I hate having the cannula put in for the sedation - not to mention the worryign that something will go wrong even if the consultant is doing it himself.

Wish me well

24-02-10, 22:22
good luck, think happy things if you can, see if the Doctor will let you have an ipod or something so you can listen to some music x

25-02-10, 18:30
Wishing you all the best :hugs:

Just think this time tomorrow it will all be over.

25-02-10, 18:36
goodluck, hope all goes well, sending you calm thoughts and best wishes

P x :hugs:

magpie girl
25-02-10, 18:39
I had mine done last month,i expected to be in a total panic,but they got me in first and i was in and out within half hour.:):):)goodluck im sure it will all go fine xxxxxx

25-02-10, 20:22
Its Thursday night and I am now terrified:wacko: why do I keep thinking of all the things that can go wrong. I have a tight chest and sharp stabbing pains in front top of chest and aches to breathe but this may either be tension or one of the many viruses doing the rounds - don't imagine even if it is a virus that it would matter doing a gastroscopy but if feel same tomorrow will tell Dr to be sure.

I told my husband about my chest so that if I still have it after the test tomorrow and I start worrying that its a side effect of the test he can remind me I had it before the test.

What am I like!

25-02-10, 21:04
big hug,:hugs:

i know how scared you are, i am sure all the pain in your chest is anxiety.i
cant say anything tonight that will make you feel any better because i would be exactly the same myself.
Try your best to relax this evening as much as possible, will be thinking about you tommorow x

P x