View Full Version : pins and needles all over, lightheadedness and help feel like shit

24-02-10, 22:26
Hi, new here.

Im just covered in pins and needles reight now. So scared its a brain tumor, or ms or motor neurone. My husband is very poorly with cancer, we have 2 toddlers. Im so scared that there is something worng with me. I cant be ill, cos Ive got to look after my husband and kids. My husband was diagnosed 8 months ago, since then I have felt ok. Now I have pins and needles everywhare, i have a lump on the back of my neck that has to be biopsied. I feel lightheaded most of the time and I also get really angry and upset and I feel as though I am losing control. I cant even spell propelly on here. so scared, has anybody else had pins and needles all over. my gp keeps trying to say anxiety but it feels so real and I cant cope:doh::scared15:

24-02-10, 22:50
I am sorry to hear of what your going through, just reading your post - it sounds so stressful.

Pins and needles is a very common symptom of anxiety and it is no wonder you are feeling this way and believe me you can get some very physical symptoms from anxiety.

It is deffinitely not motor neurone! - pins and needles isn't a symptom!

You sound like you are very anxious / stressed / worried, which is understandable at this time and this can bring on these unpleasant symptoms i'm afraid.

Apart from your lump in the neck (which i hope is a clear result for you) everything else sounds like anxiety.

I hope things work out for you and your husband and i'm sorry i'm not very good at giving advice :blush:

24-02-10, 22:53
The lump on your neck may be nothing, my dad had one too and had it removed...because you have so much going on and so many emotions to deal with (not just your own) the pressure you must be under must be very draining, anxiety is a sneaky pest that catches us when we dont want it or expect it, The symptoms you are getting could be due to anxiety, read the symptoms pages on here (I find them very comforting actually) you are not alone and you are not without support, even if its on here...I have some awful physical symptoms at times and convince myself of everything but when the dust settles I realise it was stress and pressure and anxiety doing what it does best, drag you down lower than you thought possible to go at times. xx

25-02-10, 00:27
thanks gazman and blacksheep. Ive always had anxitiy issues but I thought I was doing well, handelign the sitiuation etc, but now I feel as though Im overwhelemd.Can you get symptoms such as lightheadedness and pins and needles when you dont feel paniky. I mean, can they just come on without hyperventelating etc. I did try citramipam and prozac but made me feel so strange and even mor anxious. I am in a really stressfull sitiation at the moment and I feel that my GP puts everything down to that. The pins and neeles are all over and its not cos im having a panic attac either, just random times. Like I was wachting a good film, nect thing wham, pins and needles all over my face and felt as though I was burning up, but no temprutue. I find it so hard to belive that anxitiy can make so many physical symptoms.

25-02-10, 01:04
Seriously it can, if you read the list of symptoms on here and how your body causes them you will see how many things can be experienced! I like to read them as it calms to see my symptoms explained. You are under a lot of stress for being a carer to both your husband and 2 young kids so you will get rushes of anxiety without necessarily expecting them..I get light headed and not when hyperventilating, even tension in your neck muscles can cause that feeling, or being tired or under pressure. You also have the uncertainty about the lump on your neck to contend with so all of these daily stresses will take their toll on you, especially if you are the sort to suffer anxiety anyway. I am sure you have been coping well and dealing with the situation but it will still get to you, look for some support through a cancer charity for family members who are looking after someone with the illness and discuss issues and get advice from them, just so you have a space to off-load. It is also not uncommon for anxiety to hit you when you are doing something you enjoy or feel relaxed, it just happens at times, I get it when I am having a fun day out, one twinge will happen and then the anxiety kicks in and ruins the day!! find some relaxation techniques and get some support and dont be angry that you might not be coping as well as you thought, you have a hell of a lot to contend with in your role as wife, mother and as a person with your own health fears so take some time for yourself too. x

25-02-10, 06:00
I've been getting shivers/chills that feellike pins and needles at times, all over my body since starting a new medication for anxiety. Are you taking anything? With all you are going through, your body and mind must be feeling very stressed out which can cause many of the symptoms you are describing. I am sorry to hear about your husband...my thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.

26-02-10, 10:49
thanks all. Well I went to gp last night, demanded an emergency appointment:blush:. Anyway, she has ordered some blood tests for today and booked me in again on monday. Im not on any meds at the moment. I did try citrimoplam a couple of months back but felt awful with side effects so took myself off them.
Im so, so worried about this lightheadedness and now got strange eye issues as well. I feel as though I cant focus properlly or that I need to 'wash' my eyes or something. I find it so hard to believe that something like anxity would cause my to be lightheaded most of the day. SO worried now, feel as though I got something nasty wrong weith me and that I wont be able to look after my family. Help

26-02-10, 11:33
Iv just replied to your other post about the eyes.... common symptom of anxiety!
I was reading the part where you asked if these symptoms can come one even whilst u arnt panicking and just watchin a film etc... yes, i get this all the time! Symptoms come completely out of the blue.. it makes it extreemly difficult to keep telling yourself its just panic/anxiety when you havnt even felt yourself panicking!!
Trust me, it is just panic... its your subconcious mind bringing these on! My diziness started at work on monday... wasnt anxious or panicking, just sat at my desk... and bcos i thought i was actually ill, im still suffering from the dizziness 4 days on bcos i cant convince myself fully that its jus panic bcos i wasnt panicking at the time.. its very annoying and frustrating! But im sure you will be fine, we all will be.... we need to stand up to this 'anxiety' and try and get our lifes back in our control! xxx

26-02-10, 12:59
thanks fairyclary, I know I need to calm down about all of this but as my husband already has cancer I am just convinced that there is something the matter with me as well. I have now been itching all over for a few days and Im convinced I have lymphoma as I also have an enlarged lymph node in my blinking neck! Its just one thing after another and I just want to feel well cos at the moment I feel as though Im not giving my husband the support he needs as I feel so scared about it all:weep:
Hope your dizzyness start to go soon as mine is getting worse every day. I drove to the surgery earlyer and that didnt feel safe as I felt that the road was going up and down and side to side. God I hate this X

26-02-10, 13:18
Its awful.. i completely understand! Try and stay strong, u can beat this!!
You're probably more heightened to all illnesses at the moment because of what your husband is going through.. it must be a very stressful time! My brother had cancer at 23 and i was the same... i thought i had every illness under the sun, cos every day there were conversations of hospitals, tests, chemo etc etc it just sticks in your brain! My brother had lymphoma and didnt get the symptom of itching.. im sure u r completely fine!
If you ever want to chat, p/m me... im here to listen as i know exactly what you're going through!
Stay strong for yourself and your family xx

26-02-10, 14:44
thanks I just hope that it is the stress of my husbands illness doing this to me. Guess I will find out some more on monday when I get my blood results. Sorry to hear what your brother and your familily went through, 23 is so young to have something like that happen. Well I feel a bit better now, still itching and still go pins and needles but trying to put it out of my mind so that I can concentrate on hubbie and our two babies!:)

26-02-10, 15:52
Distraction is the best key to getting through the panic.... and what better distraction that two little ones! Hope u feel better soon x

28-05-11, 09:51
I was in a minor accident two years ago and developed leg pain and pins and needles which gradually spread all over body. They are painful and feel like strings pulling at me. They are constant and driving me insane. I've been to see a neurologist and been tested for ms and had my spinal cord scanned which came back as clear. I've had my bloods checked. I overdosed at xmas and spent time in the nut ward. The shrink there said it was somataform disorder. I find it really hard to believe that my mind could do all this and still want to pursue a physically cause, which is another symptom of somataform disorder. I have became housebound as the pins and needles have a sensation that they are pulling at me. :weep: I would be more than happy if anyone else is or has experienced this and was it somataform disorder. Many thanks for taking time to read.

28-05-11, 16:40
Jeez you are coping so well but I'm not surprised you feel so rubbish, I have one toddler to deal with let alone two and a sick husband. Anxiety has so many wierd and not wonderful symptoms..the eyes one is particularly wierd and worrying and its something I'm dealing with myself at the moment. I can't even pinpoint why I'm feeling like this at the moment I don't really have any big worries but our subconscious can trigger things.

Just remember you are not alone and we all understand on here xx