View Full Version : Hi my name is Katie, new here

24-02-10, 23:44
Hi everyone, I am 22 and was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder 3 years ago. Since then I have only had to take a diazepam once a month at most. Over the past 2 months its been getting dramatically worse. I have one or more panic attacks a day. Sometimes it feels like an ongoing attack all day long. It's horrible and I feel as though no one around me understands. I feel its getting to the point where I cant go to school and I cant go to work, I am afraid I am going to lose my job which only adds to my anxiety. I'm sure some of you here must understand.

24-02-10, 23:46
Hi skylar

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-02-10, 09:30
Hi Katie, totally understand how you are feeling. I have suffered myself for a number of years now too....and yes I often have that feeling all day long. Have you spoken to your GP about how you are feeling??? I have to take anti dep tablets to keep it at bay as do alot of others. They take a couple of weeks to get into your system but they have helped me. Sometimes people go down other routes, councilling etc. I have had councilling in the past but find the meds help me the most. I am sure you will get alot of help and advise from this forum as everyone is different. But you are not alone, its horrible what you are going through but given the right treatment it can be helped. Keep in touch. Take care. Jo.xx

25-02-10, 11:03
Hello Katie I am new here too. And I sympathise with your cycle of anxiety. That is the awful thing about the disorder. One worry leads to another.
Have you got a counsellor? If not I advise you ask your GP to refer you.

Vanilla Sky
25-02-10, 11:38
Hi Katie , welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

magpie girl
25-02-10, 18:22
hi katie and welcome to NMP,you will find lots of information and friendly advice xxxxx

25-02-10, 18:26
Hi Katie, welcome and sorry to hear you going through rough time. I am 40 years old with two children and also having panic attacks which are just ruling my life. You will get lots of help from lovely people here and support, its a wonderful forum. I hope you get lots of help from it. Here for you any time.

Regards flossy :):)

Veronica H
25-02-10, 18:50
:welcome:to NMP Kate.


25-02-10, 19:32
:welcome: to nmp katie

28-02-10, 07:19
Thanks to everyone for the welcome. This site is helping me so much, just knowing that I am not alone and reading things that you post. It's tough when no one around you understands..

JT69- yeah I talked to my GP and they gave me citalopram like 3 months ago then cymbalta.. I also have ativan and diazepam. I can't handle the side effects of the anti dep meds so I don't take them.. they make me feel like I am losing it. :( My GP isnt very helpful.. they just throw different meds at me. I am considering trying to get counseling but for now am trying to get through this on my own with the help of all my new friends here :)