View Full Version : Surprising situation

25-02-10, 08:41
This is not a moan or gripe,,but you know one year ago im sort of ok,,,,all going well-ish, well, as well as it goes,,,, responcible job, wife kids etc and so on. Now im seeing the shrink, and the mental heath nurse too, and on lots of meds to make me think, sleep etc,,more or less control my mind!!!
I can honestly say i thought i had everything covered a year ago,,this really is the last thing i expected would happen to me. Strange how life can be turned upside down by something you never even saw coming!!! Talk about the surprise of your life. I took the silly little things in life for granted,,,,feeling good about myself,,,having friends,,,,being happy,,,and a good nights sleep!!! all the simple things in life!!! You don't know what you have until you lose it do you??
Maybe this is a learning curve i'm on,,,,well whatever,,, i think the lesson is make the most of what you have today,,,give your kids a hug,,,tell your other half you love them, embrace life if it's good, Because who knows what tomorrow holds?
Well,,,,,fail all else,,i have met some great friends on here,,,and my mind is certainly interesting these days to say the least,,,just have to see how i come out of this at the end!!! Lol!!
Like i say, i'm not really moaning right now,,,just over-viewing the irony's of life,,,,What a philosophical view!!!! and yes i did have to look that word up in the dictionary!! lol,,,,told you i wasn't having a moan!!!

25-02-10, 09:33
Hi Wayne. Glad to hear from you. Been wandering how you are. Know what you mean. I used to be the opposite person of who I am now. I'm sure I am in here somewhere waiting to break free like the hulk!lol! Anyway, gotta go, bit of a funny tummy I'm afraid! Keep fighting, you will fund the light at the end of the tunnel, hope your tunnel isn't too long matey.xx