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View Full Version : Venlaxafine effects

25-02-10, 12:54

The doctor prescribed 75mg Venlafaxine ...one a day which I started taking last Friday..

They have made me gradually more tired and dizzy and I have found work more difficult (I've had to take a day off work today which is rare for me)

I have to drive to work and feel the effects of Venlafaxine are affecting my driving safety.

What would you suggest?

Should I keep taking them?



07-03-10, 23:10
This is the dose I take, and I have taken it for about 9 years. I think this is a common side effect of effexor. It kinda makes u feel a bit dopey and sleepier. They do warn that it can effect ability to drive. Some side effects will only occur while ur body gets used to the drug. These tablets take about 4-8 weeks to work 100% so the effects you have now may change over the next month or two. Your doctor should ask you to see him regularly for the first month or 2 while he judges how you are reacting to the medication. If he/she hasn't, make an appointment and discuss your concerns. Success of the medication and side effects can vary widely between people, even between people who have the same kid of problems

08-03-10, 09:27
What time do you take your meds? I used to take mine in the morning but now take it at tea-time and find this works much better for me.