View Full Version : Myringoplasty

25-02-10, 13:56
Anyone had this before? Its surgery to put a skin graft over the ear drum.

Am petrified of having surgery in case i never wake up. My anxiety has hit the roof and its all I can think about.

I know that its a small op in comparison to most but thats not it, its the actual being put to sleep and the dreaded pain afterwards.

As with all ops there are risks (palsy - nice!) and loss of hearing. None of this scares me half as much as aneasthetic!

Can anyone relate or offer words of wisdom?


25-02-10, 18:43
Hello Lauren,

I haven't had this procedure, but I have had quite a few little ops, and I do understand how you are feeling; I think it is only natural for worry about the aneasthetic. I expect the aneasthetist will see you before the op, and have a little chat - I have always found this to be comforting. They are so highly trained; I just know you will be in the safest of hands.

26-02-10, 01:00
Hi Lauren

I haven't had this procedure, but have had 2 general anaesthetics and just wanted to reassure you. I was terrified before the first one....really really terrified. I flipped in the end and was sedated before they put me to sleep :roflmao:It was an emergency operation and I didn't care less about the surgery, just the anaesthetic!

Second time around, I was wise to this and as it wasn't emergency, I was able to request sedation at the pre-admission clinic, so by the time I got to the anaesthetic room I was calm and we had no episodes of hysteria :blush:

Both mine were completely fine. I had no sickness or ill effects from them, and as you can see, I woke up both times :winks:

If you get a pre-admission appointment, discuss your worries with them. If not, you will get an opportunity to see the Anaesthetist before the surgery, so talk to him/her and if needs be, ask for sedation beforehand. Anaesthetics are tailored to the individual, and are incredibly safe, so I am sure you will be completely fine. The doctors are experts and know exactly what they are doing.

Very best of luck :)

26-02-10, 09:01
Thanks for your replies. I cant speak to any of my family as they just dont get why i'm scared.

Appreciate your kind words of comfort - the sedation seems like my best option!! Otherwise I can see myself pegging it out of the room and bare arse showing! :roflmao: