View Full Version : 'I care about mental illness and want a government that cares too'

25-02-10, 15:20
I've just signed the Rethink petition which says 'I care about mental illness and want a government that cares too'. Please sign it too.

I hope you don't mind me passing this on, but it's a really important issue. Rethink wants to ensure new Members of Parliament don't forget that 1 in 4 people are affected by mental health problems, and many are STILL:

- missing out on basic treatments and information
- facing discrimination in everyday life and
- too often locked up in prison without any healthcare.

Rethink has created a petition calling for the new Parliament to act to improve things for people affected by mental illness.

They're aiming to collect 10,000 signatures to take to Downing Street as soon as the election results are in. It’s a very big target! So please join me in helping them to reach it!

It only takes a minute so please join those like me who are saying, 'we care about mental illness and need a government that will act'. You can sign it here: http://e-activist.com/ea-campaign/clientcampaign.do?ea.client.id=32&ea.campaign.id=5721


25-02-10, 16:20
with this goverment its a crime to be ill signed

25-02-10, 16:39
Thanks for posting. Signed

25-02-10, 21:13
ive signed and sent on to all my facebook contacts and everyone i know will be getting shown the site too, thanks for posting :)

25-02-10, 21:17
Cheers for highlighting this, I've signed up as well.

25-02-10, 22:25
Wow this is good...

It has to be taken only roughly with margin for error its just a sum, but if UK has a population of 65 million, and the chances of someone getting a mental illness in their life is 1 in 4, so 16,250,000 people, only 10,000 need to sign (not forgettin alot of those are incapable of doing that). hmmm...this seems like a good idea think Ill check it.
16.2m people is hellova lot mor thn 10000

25-02-10, 22:31
wait, will it actually change anything for us lot,, you know what politicians are like with promises

25-02-10, 23:03
many thanks to all that have signed so far :)

Hopefully, NotResponding the government will respond, the more voices the more likely people will get the help they need.

26-02-10, 00:31
Howdy Di.
Yes it it the same here in Australia,not enough services,public mental health services are at an all time low.I have been pushing for more Psychologist,Youth Workers and more beds in our hospitals for acute care.But same old same old MONEY,what a load of crap.Good luck with the petition.

26-02-10, 19:28
I'm surprised that not more people have shown interest in this. It may not make a difference but it shows that people care.

26-02-10, 19:48
All signed Di, thanks for bring it to our attention. :hugs:

28-02-10, 02:11

Signed, thanks for bring this to my attention.


28-02-10, 09:49

Ive signed it as for the fact that one in four people have a mental health problem then surely there should be more money put into mental health services? This government also should be ashamed of keep saying that they are going to push people with a mental health problem in to jobs and that some of us can work day in and day out but that could lead people to have a relapse especially if they end up very stressed at work.

28-02-10, 09:58

i stumbled upon this site as i googled duloxetine.

my doc prescribed this to me as i do suffer from anxiety and depression but also i suffer a wee bit from leaking urine.:weep:
i have had an procedure to combat the leakage but unfortuntely it has not worked so we are back to the drawing board.:huh:

i had succesfully got off citalopram after being on them for 3 years, unfortunately mr anxiety came back and bit me on the bum:wacko:
anyody out there feelin' the same?

yours hopefully


28-02-10, 11:10
signed x

Granny Primark
01-03-10, 04:51
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. xx

01-03-10, 09:28
I'v signed and passed on some other email addresses too x

04-03-10, 02:37
Thank you to everyone that has signed and a bigger thank you for people who have passed it on xx