View Full Version : Reflux or cancer? I am getting worse.

25-02-10, 17:32
I am getting so worried. I have had reflux before but my symptoms are getting worse daily. Today I can't even eat. It feels like something is stuck in my chest, rather than my throat? I have had ongoing persistent pains in my stomach, bloating and chest/back pain. Why is it getting worse? My chest is very tight today and uncomfortable. In fact my whole rib area is aching.

I have been taking ranatidine (prescribed), zantac (over the counter) and gaviscon.

My symptoms just seem to be getting worse. If I eat, it's bad. If I don't eat, it's bad. Gone are the days I could have a glass of wine without feeling it is 'sitting' on my chest. I a so hungry today but know eating anything will make matters worse.

I also have excess belching but that could be because I am anxious...again. I am alway worried my symptoms point to cancer. I just feel generally unwell. Tired, bloated and forever uncomfotable with eating. Even drinking a little water feels like it lodges in my chest. I feel something needs to come back up but not because I feel sick, but because it is just sitting in my chest area.

Does anyone else have these symptoms? Should I worry? Is this what I have to put up with for the rest of my life (I'm 36)? Will I ever engoy a glass of wine again? I am overweight too but the only diet I keep doing is the very low calorie diets (less than 500 cal per day). I lose a stone or 2 then give up and put it all back on (and usually more). Any help and advice would be much appreciated. Anyone else going thru' similar?

25-02-10, 17:59
I have similar symptoms...the stuck on your chest feeling isnt too nice and I also get periods where I have some mild to moderate difficulty in breathing and I get a wheeze. The doc at the hospital mentioned gastric reflux and gave me some gaviscon advanced and it worked!..But since then I still experience symptoms..I get back pain with mine too..like, right between my shoulder blades at the top of my back..dont get much heartburn funnily enough. I would say the reason your symtpms are seemingly worse is a mixture of both the anxiety and the fact that maybe the reflux isnt being controlled well enough. I need to go to my GP and arrange tests because I htink I may have a hiatus hernia..I find it rly hard to breathe from my stomach/abdomen and there is always some degree of discomfort there...

26-02-10, 11:19
Today is worse than ever. In fact I may need to start a new thread for help and reassurance. I can't even keep drink down without feeling I will reguritate. My ribs are aching, I feel very down. Thanks for your reply.