View Full Version : My anxiety struggle

25-02-10, 20:31
Hey everyone i have been suffering now with anxiety for about the last 3 years, my anxiety is mainly to do with my health, i have convinced myself of having all sorts of diseases wrong with me which always leads back to one thing the fear of dying (i am 29 years old). I have never been a very confident person anyway and have always worried about things and about what people think of me.

The other thing i have noticed is that alot of my thoughts are negative and i struggle to think positive about things, always think of the worst things happening, always have to be reasured about things

I also find it difficult at work consentrating and i dont know if anybody else gets this but i struggle to explain things speacially if im asked a question.

Can anyone else relate to the above, just thought it might help to write things down.

ally b
25-02-10, 21:57
Hi Jay
Im at the place as you rite now,BUTT i no longer work because of this. I get told there is light at the end of the tunnel (although rite now i dont belive it).You are not alone. :hugs:Are you on any meds?? or any type of therapy to help you through.
Its good to talk (or type)lol
I wish you well.

26-02-10, 01:22
me too, exactly the same thing. Terrified of dying. Even more terrifed of having some disease that traps me in my own body, then I die!!!
I feel like the whole world is so unfair.
I get very upset when I see people in wheel chairs or know someone who has cancer I feel like if they had something bad happen if more likely that i will too.

27-02-10, 01:46
i dont really have any advice, except to see ur doc, but just wanted to wish you well, and send u some support!!!!! im fairly new on here, but so many users have offered advice, u will find lots of help and support here,
all the best!!!!!